to be continued..

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"I wonder what's up with that Maiden girl of ours," Ayumi said to her sister ."She seems so happy and dreamy. " Tokimo nooded. " Üh.Right. I already talked with mother bout it. It seems like.." "Yes . I know what you wanna say ."

The dance was great, Lucy thought as she washed the dishes in the kitchen . And he's so handsome.. I guess I love him.. But We only met once. But , I'm sure I'll see.him again.
"La , Lalalalaaaa hmmm , hmmm ...lallalaaa.."

she hummed to herself ,.dancing a little , without noticing , that there was somebody spying on her.


"Ne , Natsu-nii ", Romeo , the 14 year old boy from the guild said. "Found out who she is ? "

Natsu shook bis head ."Damn. I wish I would have danced With a pretty girl too.", Romeo continued looking to Wendy.

"Well , Romeo , Happy . Let's do still the Villa Heartifillia , and the other houses in "caocen-street."

Mirajane was standing at the bar and hearing their conversation. I really hope Natsu will find her. He is so depressed ...


Natsu, my princeWhere stories live. Discover now