What about a ball ?

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Three months have passed after her fathers death.

The funeral was a week later , and Lucy had to do a lot of work.

While going to the trade market ,.she found a celestial spirit shop , and she bought a golden Zodiac Key.

It was a Girl , round her age , with chains around her wrist and she called Lucy 'Princess'

Lucy , named her Virgo.


In Fairy Tail :

"Ne , Mira , shall we make a Mask-ball ?"

Wendy asked Mira one day

"Sure. Which topic should it be ?"

"Magic !," Natsu interuppted , in the hope Lucy was going to be invited too.

"Whom shall we invite ? " , Mira asked .

"First . the whole guild and then maybe 'Plue Pegasus ' . "That makes round 50 people, Natsu"

"Uhm.. ano ," Natsu stuttered , before flourishing red ,, Let's invite , Ehm ..."

"Lucy ?" , a Cole black haired boy asked.

( Gray is a Ice - magician , who intends always to put his clothes off and strips )

"Ne, Natsu has always been talking bout her ," Gray snickered.

"How dare you Stripper boy ..! Karyuno TEKKEN ! " , He punched Gray In his stomach , who flew then through the air.

"Ice - Make LANCE !" And he aimed it at Natsu.

And so  they went on fighting.

Natsu, my princeWhere stories live. Discover now