Chapter 16-I just don't see us being friends again....

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Alex's POV

I woke up,looked at my clock and saw the time 13:50pm I got up after doing a double take at my clock  so I walked to the bathroom.

After a nice hot shower and getting ready,I walked downstairs to see Mum,Dad,Riker,Stormie and Mark  I tried to walked out but before I could my dad coughed and gave me a look that said 'Get back here we need to talk' I sat down on the side chair and looked at Stormie and Mark talking to Riker why he was here. I knew why.It was it was Riker's fault that I moved it was his fault my R5 got dropped from my label and it was his fault.EVERYTHING WAS HIS FAULT.

"So why are we here?"Riker interupted my thoughts.

"You guys have fallen out because of you"I nearly laughed at what my mum said.

"Riker exlain...."I stopped Mark right there.

"Stop,Ok nothing will work I know what he's like he gets way into a fight mode just because Rocky liked me but what he forget was that we broke up and I was single.He made my life happy and like nothing in the world was wrong but it was life was the same as it was always going to be.Max hated me because of what he said and what he did. I lost my cousin because of him.So this little meeting is over.He has chosen who he wants in his life!That's who he gets!From no on,he isn't my friend he is my best mates brother and that's how things are going to stay!"I got up and walked to the door and turned to face Riker "Have a nice life with Rebecca Riker your made for each other"and I walked out.I rung Bee.

"Hey Bee can I talk to you about something?"

"Alex I've just got a text from Riker,you finally said what you needed to say?"


"Good look I have to go now"She hung up I went for a walk round the block I walked into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry I wasn't watching were I was going"I looked up and saw Rebecca.

"It's fine,nice bangs"And she walked off!WAIT!She didn't know me.

I must of walked for an hour tops.I just didn't get it.Everyone was to busy to spend time with me.My phone beeped.

Riker-Hey,It's Rebecca,STAY AWAY FROM RIKER!!!!!!!

I put my phone in my pocket and ran home looking for something to cut myself I ran to my bedroom and found a razor. I had never done this and never wanted to.I cut.I started crying but held in the tears because I knew my mum would come up and ask what the problem was and she would see.I did it again.More blood,More,More.......

I fainted the last thing I heard was someone shouting my name,then Darkness came upon me.

 "Riker,She's fine bro trust me,Sh....shu......Shut up! If your coming down then come,I....I don't care what she thinks"I opened my eyes and Rydel smiled.I looked at her hand "Your getting married"She nodded. I wanted to get up but I was drained of energy,I felt sick.I saw my mum,dad and everybody rush in to my bed "Why would you do such a thing?"I couldn't answer because Rebecca stormed in and ran to Ross.

"WHERE IS HE?"She screamed.I could punch her.If I was not weak.

"I DON'T KNOW"He screamed back.I chuckled she looked at me

"What are you looking at?You didn't go the full way by finishing of the job"I shrugged and she stormed out.

Minutes later Riker came through the door after everyone had gone.

"Alex,Why did you do it?"

"I needed to go......Everyone would be better without me I know it"

"Alex,I need you"

"No,your with Rebecca and I can't go through this again"

"Please,I want to be with you"

I turned to my pillow "Riker I don't see us being friends any more the damage is done.Leave"

After 3 days the hospital let me go home,I walked back into my house and fell on the couch,"Be careful" I shrugged at my mum. 

I turned I wasn't happy,I dyed my hair back to black I was changing I didn't like it one bit.Don't get me wrong I didn't want to change but I was. I also was losing my family forever! 

To Greg:- Help me please! Alexxx 

All I had to do was wait for a reply!

Greg:Hey Alexxx,What's up?x

Me:I was in hospital and I guess I need my friend back x

Greg:Why? What did you do?xx

Alex:I cut myself I'm sorry I never meant to do this I'm sorry xx

Greg:Alex take Riker back you obvs miss him please I hate you being upset xx

Alex:Why are you always right?Xxx

Greg:It's a curse and a good thing really Xxx Love ya 

Alex:Hahaha Love you to :D Xxxx


So what do you think? I am in a bit of a bad place but I started this and I thought about finishing it! Anyway thanks for reading.So I did upload this but I don't know what's happening with it so sorry if it's changed xxx

~Megan xx

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