Chapter 15-You don't understand

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  • Dedicated to My Best friend Bethany who I love<3

Alex's POV

I know what your thinking 'Going back are you crazy?' Well no I'm not! I know what Riker has done to me but he was the love of my life the first time my heart did flips the first person I kissed and he did care for me he said it himself! 

I walked to the park with Conor. His dad was back and he didn't want to see him or else he would punch him and kick the living day lights of him. Which would not end well.

"So moving back again?"Conor asked as we sat down on the swings. 

"Yeah look I know you much want me to stay here forever I can't" I looked at my hands 

"But Riker did all those bad things to you and I just don't get why you go back to him I mean are you stupid?"He shouted.

"I love him,You don't understand you never will Conor"I started to cry,and with that I got up and ran to Gregs (My other really close friend,He is cute really cute).

"Hi Mrs West is Greg in?"She shuck her head I walked away back to Conors to pack my bags as my Flight was leaving in 4 Hours and I haven't packed.I walked in and heard Conor's parents shouting at each other.I ran upstairs to pack my clothes and other things I had brought like my Guitar and my laptop. 


"Bye Conor"I shouted as I walked out the front door and headed to the taxi,I let him put my bags in all I could think about was being in sunny California and seeing Riker I put my headphones in and turned up the music.

"I knew you were trouble when you walked in"Taylor Swift's I knew you were trouble.Blasted through my headphones as we arrived at the airport. 

A/N:I'm skipping the plane ride

I had arrived in the same place like I did last year,This was going to be fun (NOT) I got out of the taxi and got my bags,I walked up to the door and knocked on the door I know I should of just walked in I wanted it to be a surprise. 

"Ally,Your back"My brother shouted from his lungs and hugged me so I couldn't breath. "You've dyed your hair"I nodded and walked in leaving my bro to handle my bags.

"Mum,Dad Max"I shouted as they hugged me even Max.

"I love you Alex"I kissed Max on the head and hugged him.

We all sat down and they told me what I missed and what they missed. 

"So Greg,you know Greg is on X-Factor"I laughed. 


"I'm going to bed I need sleep so you won't see me for a week"I joked and walked upstairs opened my balcony doors and looked into the Lynchs back garden.Riker and a girl (I couldn't make out who) were laughing and joking in the swimming pool,he spun the girl round and kissed her she got out and I saw her face. 

"Rebacca!"I shouted. And fell on my bed I drifted off into my sleep.


So what do you think? things are abit rough but we are back together and going a bit strong,anyway I have uploaded today :D tomorrow I will work on your Imagines for those who have requested :D 

Megan xxx

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