Chapter 6-Not talking

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A/N:So I have just found out that I start back school on tuesday so I will try and update but no promises.Thanks for reading :)

(Still in Alex's POV)

"Hunny open up you've been in there for 2 day's you need to come out please just eat something"I could hear my mum tearing up,I opened the door so she could come in she had some food with her "Alex what happened?"She asked me sitting down on the end of my bed

"He cheated on me with a girl from my school"I tried to hold back the tears but it was no use I was crying and because of the boy I loved and I thought he loved me back.I felt my phone buzz I looked at the name and handed it my brother he was meant to be with Rydel but she said he has to stay with me.He looked and read the messages out loud.

"Hi,Alex it's Riker just in case you deleted my number I wanted to tell you that I still love you and what happened last night I am so sorry but Bee is coming to the concert today please come I will tell you sorry on stage just give me another chance please"I could see my brother getting mad I got out of bed and hugged him he calmed down

"Now please get out I'm getting ready it's Sunday so I'm going out with Bee and Ryland and then I'm going to the concert okay"I told them they nodded and walked out I knew that I shouldn't of gone but the rest were my friends and I wasn't going to miss their concert just because of one silly boy that can't make his mind up who he wants.

Riker's POV

I didn't get a reply of Alex I knew that she wouldn't come I hated myself but whats done is done I just wanted to make this right with her I have no idea how but I knew it had to be done.

Ryland-She really hates you man

 Riker-I know I don't know what to do

 Ryland-How about make this right with her

 Riker-I know I have to do that but how?

 Ryland-Don't ask me I don't go round kissing girls

 Riker-I didn't kiss her dude

 Ryland-Just sort it out before everybody finds out look I'm with her now at the park come and sort it out

 Riker-You think I should come?

 Ryland-Whatever Bro

 I grabbed my keys and slammed the door and got in the car I drove to the park I didn't get and walk I just looked outside I saw Alex laughing and running away from some lad from school I had to get out I got out and walked over she looked at me and walked away crying Bee and Ryland chased after her.

"Mate just go home she hates your guts and to be honest I do to"Ryland came back and had a angry look on his face I knew where I was and wasn't needed and near Alex was one of them I just love her and now she doesn't love me I had to win her back some how but how?

Alex's POV  

I had got dressed I was wearing a summer dress with shorts under my dress I met Ryland,Bee and some other dude I had never seen in my life I was running away from Sam Rylands friend I was having the time of my life until Riker came walking over I hadn't told him that we were over but I think he already knew he came over and before he could say anything I ran away every time I saw his face Prom night came flooding back like a bad rash I couldn't face him yet I ran as fast as I could I reached the car park I got in my car and drove away I had to stay away from him but I couldn't miss the concert I was still going and so was Bee I had to show my support I wasn't going to let Riker Anthony Lynch get in the way of that I was going to go to the concert with my head held high and surport all of my friends without anyone stopping me.My train of thoughts stopped as I was at home I knew Bee and Ryland would come in and be all soppy with me but I didn't need that I needed some one who I had lost a while ago.    

Alex-Bella hi xx    

Bella-Alex wow I haven't spoke to you in what 5 years xx    

Alex-When my dad left anyway I need your help xx  

Bella-Sure where are you?xx    

Alex-California xx    


Alex-Hahaha yes trust me xx    

Bella-Meet me at the beach xx    

Alex-20 xx    

Bella-Okay xx    

Ok so let's get one thing straight Bella is my cousin she left when my mum and dad spilt up she moved here I haven't spoken to her in years so you get that I miss her and I lost her a while ago unfortunately her little sister died when a drunk driver crashed into the car she was in her mum,dad and little brother Max where fine but Angel wasn't.   My train of thought stopped when my message tone rang 'I've become so numb I can feel you there Become so tired so much more aware I'm becoming this all I want to do'I unlocked my phone and saw the ID Riker I looked at what he sent me.  

Riker-Alex you okay?    

Riker-Alex answer me!    

Riker-Alex how many times do I to say I'm sorry    

Alex-Yes I was fine and you can say your sorry as many times as you want but to be honset I don't think you mean it because if you did you wouldn't of KISSED HER so say your sorry I won't listen because until you mean it save your breath! And I am coming to the concert for Rydel, Ratliff, Ryland, Ross and Rocky NOT YOU!    

I felt a lot better after I sent that but I had 10 minutes to get to the beach and meet Bella I started to run and stopped because I saw my bro's skateboard so I picked it up I was pretty good I got there in 9 minutes I saw her and Max I ran over "Oh Max look at you  your BIG"I laughed and hugged him Bella gave me a look that said tell me or I'll kick it out of you I sat down on the bench and started  telling her everything I saw the rage in her eyes I knew she wanted to hurt him "So you know anyway how's the last year of school going?" I asked her changing the subject "I got a letter today in the post"She looked at me and handed me the letter I read it twice "YOU GOT IN TO NYADA!"I screamed and hugged her "This is HUGE"She laughed we walked around the park with Max he was on the skateboard I got a text.    

Riker-Still coming?    

Alex-YES!But keep asking me I WON'T COME    

Riker-oh sorry

 I put my phone in my pocket and looked at Max my eyes were watery he must of noticed because we stopped for some ice cream for Max  he looked up at me and put his arms up as he wanted me to pick him up so I picked him up "Alex why are you crying?" He asked wiping the tears from my eyes I laughed "Nothing I haven't seen you in a while so I'm crying because of that"We had a amazing time but the concert was soon and I had a feeling something was about to go wrong little did I know I was right......

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