I woke up early the next day and began to prepare breakfast for Davina and Kai.

Davina was always hungry no matter what. It was funny to see her complain about it all the time.

Kai used to say she got that from me since I was always craving for human food.

Kai, on the other hand was very protective over us.

After what happened with his Gemini coven, he regretted his decisions.

Davina also made him feel like a family. All three of us were laughing in the kitchen while I cooked.

Alice and Bella were watching us from far. Alice whispered something in Bella's ear and both of then smiled.

All of the sudden, I froze. Alice had sent me a vision from her mind.

It appeared to be Davina standing on an aisle beside Kai.

I was walking down the aisle with Carlisle.

And then, it left a picture of Kai and me as a couple posing for the wedding photos.

A smile unwillingly crept over my face.



"You just froze, is everything okay?"

I nodded and sat with them.

I saw Alice smiling at me widely. Bella gave me a wink from far.

I closed my eyes and smiled.


Edward was standing by the kitchen arch with an evil smile.

"Yes? You want anything?"

"Alice told me that s-.."

Before he could spill the tea, I vamp sped towards him and pushed him to the side.

Kai and Davina grew more confused and I could see how Kia was curious with what was going on.

"You cannot talk about loudly, Ed. Now, leave this aside and go bug the boys.."

"Funny how Alice had a vision.."

"Her visions can change in the future.."

"My visions have hardly faltered, sister.."

Alice sneaked in from behind and curled her arms around my neck.

"Shall we pick the wedding dress?"

"Alice, calm down. We haven't seen each other that way. Kai is here because I helped him once.."

We heard someone cough fron the back. I looked up and it was Kai.

Edward and Alice disappeared in a second.

"Secrets between siblings?"

Supposedly Queen : Part I Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora