Kai had named his little baby as Riena Erichai Cullen-Parker.

It was Aerica who wanted to have both the names in her baby's name.

Davina took care of Riena well.

She grew fondly over the little child everyday.

Riena grew up just to look like her mother.

Kai would read the stories of the lost Queen to Riena.

Riena loved the stories without realizing that it was all about her mother.

Kai grew into a loving father.

One fine day, Elijah had dropped by.

His sudden visit shocked Davina and Kai.

Davina was traumatised with the Mikalesons presence.

She took away Riena and didn't wanted Elijah to see her. But Kai let Elijah see Riena for once.

Riena took Davina's hand as she walked towards Elijah.

"I am Elijah Mikaelson,love..You look like your mother.."

"I have seen you in momma's mind.."

Elijah smiled and hugged the little child.

It felt like he was holding Aerica in his hands again.

"I don't want to see you or your family again..Leave me and the kids alone, Elijah.."

Kai took in Davina and his kid into the room. He wanted to kill Elijah for letting Klaus take away his wife's life.

But he remembered what Aerica once said.

"If you killed someone for them killing your loved one, it doesn't mean its fair..It is not like an eye for an eye..Forgive them, that will be the biggest punishment you could ever give one.."

A tear slipped out fron his eyes as he reminisced about his wife's words.

He saw Elijah walking out the door sadly. He looked very guilty and miserable.

And that was the last time the Parkers heard about the Mikalesons.

Davina was now Davina Parker. She lived like a firstborn to Kai and Aerica.

Kai then took both of them away from the city. He settled down somewhere far from everyone.

All he had was a picture of him and Aerica smiling at their wedding. The black and white photo had so much to say now.

Davina had brought Aerica's journal and grimoire with her. She would teach little Riena when the time comes.

Davina wanted to see her sister grow up like her mother, Aerica.

Kai kept growing worried as little Riena started growing up. Sooner or later, she would ask about her mother.

And then, it will be time to tell her that the mother was the Queen in all the stories her father had told her.

The history lived. And so did Kai Parker and his two kids.

They believed Aerica was somewhere up in the skies.

She was watching her daughters grow up.

When Riena reached ten years old, she began to develop magic powers. Kai was thankful that Davina was there to help Riena.

Years passed by as both the children grew up.

It was Davina 21st birthday. Kai had taken her and Riena to see his wife's tomb.

They placed flowers on her tomb and prayed.

Kai had given Davina a small gift box.

"It was from your mother"

Tears slipped down her cheeks as she opened the box.

Inside lied a small platinum chain with a heart pendant.

"She saved up some money when she worked in the general hospital. She bought this long ago and kept it to give it to you today"

The little witch could not stop herself from crying. She hugged Kai and Riena tightly.

Kai dropped off the kids back home and took a walk towards the nearby park.

He sat on the bench and took out his wallet.

A small picture was placed inside it.

It was his wife's photo. It was a passport sized one that was taken before the wedding ceremony.

"Whenever you see this, remember that you have a wife now and your not alone in this cruel world anymore!"

His mind pictured the moments again as he traced his fingers along the small photo.

"You gave me everything but left me so soon. A forever meant nothing to me without you here, darling. I will search for the brightest star in the sky and show our daughter. I will tell her that is you, because you brought light into my darkness. Rest in eternal peace, my love. My queen, my wife"

◇    THE END  ◇

Supposedly Queen : Part I Where stories live. Discover now