I could hear my family members arguing with each other.

My brothers were so angry that someone under us was being attacked and Klaus was being a hypocrite.

They just didn't feel good about the Mikalesons too.

"But, Carlisle..Aerica is not guilty! And yet, that crazy Mikaleson put thr blame on her! "

Emmett was already in anger.

"They have crossed the line by being disrespectful to our sister! "

"Right, Jasper. Even we haven't raised our voice to our sister in a hundred years or more! Who are they to treat her such? "

That was supposedly Rosalie and Jasper.

Esme and Carlisle saw me walking down the stairs.

"Kids, calm down. She is here"

"Guys, thank you but there is no need to be angry over them"

"Why not, sister? "

"It's okay,Jas. Let it go. They were just angry over the lost of their friend"

"But Aerica, you are also their friend! You helped them in so many things! How can they be so ungrateful towards you? "

Emmett caught me speechless.

"I..I am the one to be blamed because I kept going back to them because I loved them. Turns out, they didn't. So please, quit it"

I walked out of the house with my coat. It was dark outside but I didn't mind.

"Your majesty? "

I heard a voice behind the bushes.

"Kai? What you doing here? "

"I came to take a walk. Davina is asleep already"

"I totally forgot to put her to sleep, I am sorry"

He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Your majesty, your a one wonderful and powerful woman. I have never seen you slip in your life. What happened? "

"Klaus hates me for letting you kill Marcel. He was being hypocrite and my family is angry over them. Looks like I am never going to see them again"

"That is a big ouch, but trust me. These Cullens see you as a precious family member and they really respect you for who you are"

"They don't know my secret"

"Oh, not that. I mean overall, how you do things. You are different. The Mikalesons don't fit your standards"

I smiled at Kai.

"How are you, Kai? "

"I am doing good, thank you. If you didn't save me the other day from the prison world, it was the end of my life"

Supposedly Queen : Part I Where stories live. Discover now