As a woman, sneaking into the Volturi resident was not easy.

There were many guards in the place.

They asked too much of questions to let me enter the place.

I felt extremely annoyed but then, I remembered my goal.

My mission was to find the Znur, a royal sword forged for the ruler of Volterra.

Only a pure heir of the royal reign could hold it.

If anybody else tries to even acess to it, the powerful sword would burn them off.

I came across the sword when I was still a young kid. The sword was well hidden in the royal underground chambers.

The most trickiest part was finding my way to the underground.

The Volterra residence had a very complicated structure.

I still had a clear picture of which door leads where but I had to be careful.

One wrong door could lead me to three idiotic kings of the reign and it would be end of discussion.

I had been searching the pathway to the underground chambers when I finally came to a stop.

I saw a small trap door on the wall near the throne room.

I went in and it took me to a spiral stairs. The stairs led me all the way down to the underground chambers.

Even the Volturi guards limited access to that place.

I squealed in excitement softly since I was a few moments away from accomplishing my mission.

After a few steps, I came face to face with a display of the royal crown of the Queen.

It belonged to my late mother.

I reminded myself that it wasn't the perfect time to go emotional.

Brushing off the thoughts, I slowly moved towards the huge chest box.

It had a dial to unlock the box.

There was a small circle in the middle of the dial and a huge one at the outer edge.

I tried to move them to the numbers according to the queen's birth date.

The box did not open.

Then, I tried to use the king's birth date. It was no point.

My mind was stuck and frozen.

I kept pacing back and forth to know what was the numbers that would unlock the box.

Suddenly, I had an idea.

I tried using my own birth date to open it.

To my surprise, the box opened.

There was a small handkerchief in it.

Supposedly Queen : Part I Where stories live. Discover now