The cold air of December night was blowing in through the windows in my room.

Christmas was around the corner as little snowflakes started to decorate the streets in Forks.

I was resting on my chair when the cold breeze stirred a small feeling in my guts.


"Aerica, wake up! It's Christmas, wake up!"

The blonde girl threw me a huge pillow from her bed to wake me up.

I rubbed my eyes as I felt sleepy and let a yawn escape my lips.

"Sleeping beauty, let's go down!"

She pulled my arms and I lost control. Both of us landed on the floor with a loud thump.

"Every Christmas morning without fail!"

We heard all three Mikaleson boys laughing at the front of us.

"Bekah needs to learn the meaning of patience!"

"Your always sleepy!"

"Enough, young ladies.We will not fight today since today is a special day!"

Elijah said while giving me a hand to wake up.

We ran downstairs like small kids to see the gifts.

It was funny how all of them had two gifts but I had five gifts, each from each of them.

Kol has given me a dagger as a gift.

Rebekah gave me a bracelet of friendship with a hand carved design.

Elijah gave me an original copy of world's classic literary novel collection.

Klaus had my gift in his hands.

"What did you get me, Klaus?"

"Turn around"

He then placed a chain around my neck.

It was a white gold chain with a heart pendant on it.

I didn't get what he meant by the gift at that time.

We were just enjoying the Christmas together happily without any fuss in the compound.

* *

The windows shut with a loud bang.

The sound woke me up in an instance.

I had fallen asleep on my chair itself.

A tear rolled down my cheeks after what I saw in my dreams.

The sudden feel of missing them kept bringing my Christmas mood down.

I made sure no one in the family noticed that.

Supposedly Queen : Part I Where stories live. Discover now