I dropped off Davina under the supervision of my friends, Leo and Christine.

She was protected and kept in their house until the Reaping was over.

I had casted a protective barrier over the place to keep her safe.

I took care Davina like my child, she began to like my comfort.

As a child, she was traumatised to see her own mother giving her away to be slaughtered in the Harvest.

I helped her to heal and control the magical powers back and forth.

I used to go back to Forks and then come by to visit her.

I told her that all the myths and the fake lies that were created to protect the magic.

I was surprised of my growing fondness over her.

It was a normal day at the hidden house with Davina.

She was drawing something and I tried to peek through.

"You can come and see it"

I walked towards the painting.

What she had drawn had broke my heart.

She had drawn me and her.

She made the drawing look as if I was holding her hands tightly.

"I see the mother in you"

I placed her head on my chest.

"Can I call you mom?"

"Yes you can"

"You have been protecting me like a child, I don't know how I can repay you"

"I always wanted to have a child, maybe children. But being this by birth ripped off my dreams"

"I am your daughter and you will be my mother.."

"I am, Davina. We will get you through the Reaping and when you lose your magic, I will turn you. You will join my family soon"

Davina's face lit up in happiness.

She started to ask more about the Cullens and about their characters.

The Reaping phase was almost over when Rebekah had passed me the information about a Marcel.

He was in search of Davina and that he was using Sophie to track Davina down.

I planned to use my power to interfere with Sophie's power so that she wouldn't be able to track Davina down.

I managed to do that for temporary.

I had to send Davina a bit further from where she was and created a fake presence to distract Marcels attention.

• • •

"Marcel knew someone is having Davina"

"How did he knew? Sophie? "

Supposedly Queen : Part I Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora