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My knuckles were white as I gripped the steering wheel, feeling even more nervous than I did last night. Trott rode shotgun while Smith sat in back, both equally quiet. We knew we had work to do, however this seemed much more important right now.

It was the morning after she woke up. I was tired, having not gotten home until around 4 in the morning, yet here I was at 8 o'clock, returning to the same hospital. I hoped that she was allowed visitors, because I needed to do a lot of explaining before she gets the wrong idea. I didn't want to come off as creepy or annoying, so I could only hope the nurses hadn't mentioned me.

Trott and Smith had insisted coming, even though they might be recognized and kicked out again. They had used the excuse that they were already emotionally invested in this, and there was no way they wern't going to see me through the end of this, where ever that may be.

We parked and quickly walked in. Willow spotted me almost immediately, and pulled all three of us over. "I'm not happy about you're little stunt last night," she scolded, "I shouldn't even let you back in there."

"But you're going to let all three of us see her right?" Smith asked, flashing her a devilish smile. He was very aware of his effect on women, and tried to use it now.

Willow just raised an eyebrow at him. "You're pushing it," she said, before turning back to me. "She's allowed visitors now, but I don't need you three overwhelming her," she said, giving Trott and Smith a look, "she's still pretty out of it."

I understood. "So can I go talk to her?" I asked, wanting nothing more than to hear her voice and look into her eyes again.

"You can," she said, and then turned to my two flatmates. "Can I leave you two alone without causing trouble?" she asked.

"You could take us with you," Trott smirked, "So you can keep a better eye on us."

"We might get into some trouble otherwise," Smith smiled, following Trott's lead.

Willow sighed and rolled her eyes. "I don't have time for this," she motioned to us as she started walking away, "All three of you, follow me."

Smith and Trott celebrated behind me, acting a lot more cheery than I felt. It may just be a game to them, but I was a coil of nerves. I had so many expectations for Amanda, and I knew that most of them were pretty ridiculous and would only cause me more heart ache when I find out she's different than I expected.

She was in another room again, this time with a door. I walked in to find a more homey room, though it still screamed hospital. There were some fake flowers in a vase by her bed, and a tele sat across the room. There was only one extra plush chair in the corner of the room, though I didn't feel comfortable enough to take a seat. Amanda was staring into space again, not really registering the bad soap opera that was playing. She seemed lost in thought, and didn't notice us until Willow cleared her throat.

"Amanda? You have visitors sweetheart," Willow called. Amanda looked over and gave a curt nod, the only acknowledgment that she even saw us. "Don't be too loud or talk too much," she hissed to us as she left, though the eerie quiet of the hospital room kept us all quiet.

Her eyes shifted over us. "Alex Smith and Chris Trott, the other two thirds of Hat Films," she noted, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Does she not know about all you're visits Ross?" Smith asked in a lack luster whisper, loud enough for Amanda to most likely hear us.

"I don't think she remembers," I breathed to him, trying to signal him to keep his mouth shut.

He didn't get it. Throwing an arm around my shoulders, he boomed, "This twat has done nothing but sit next to you for the past two months!"

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