Late Night Discussions

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"Mates, I think that's enough trials for today," Trott muttered, leaning back in his chair and rubbing at his eye with a hand. He looked quite disheveled and even a little stressed after that long recording session. Because the Witcher event was coming up, we had been working hard to bulk record for all our series, and that added onto an influx of trailers had us all feel the pressure. Hopefully our mini holiday will help with that, and even with all the stress we managed to still be excited.

"I'm going to go grab a water bottle," I said, standing up and stretching my back. I quickly stopped and saved our recordings, telling myself I would get started on editing them right away as soon as I returned.

"Could you grab me one?" Smith asked, looking over his partitioner at me.

"Sure mate," I muttered, stumbling a little as I made my way to the door through the mess that was our office. Costumes were laid across the sofa, having arrived yesterday from some cheep Halloween site. I knew I still needed more convincing before the other two would get me in some stupid knight outfit and a very Beatles-looking wig.

I gave a quick hello to Turps as I passed him in the hallway, and stopped suddenly as I noticed someone in the live stream room. "Uh, hey," I said quietly, trying not to startle Amanda as I knocked on the already open door. "When did you get in?" I asked her as she smiled and motioned for me to join her.

"'Bout an hour ago?" she hummed, raising an eyebrow at me as she thought about it, "You were busy recording so I couldn't say hi." I pulled up a chair and sat beside her, glad for the distraction from work. Today was the first day of the semester, which meant Amanda was back in her dorm room. I had to admit, it was hard watching her pack all her things and drop her off this morning; I had gotten used to having her there with me in the evenings and it would be weird to go home alone tonight.

"Right," I muttered, looking at the editing software on screen, "What are you working on?" I nodded towards the various video clips that showed Amanda sitting in front of the green screen.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, "I'm working on that introduction video I was talking about. Do you want to see what I have so far?" She turned the monitor so I could see it better.

"Sure," I shrugged, knowing Smith or Trott would probably come looking for me soon anyway. Amanda brought up the video and clicked a button in the corner, filling the screen with her face. It was odd seeing her from this viewpoint, and with this kind of lighting her makeup wasn't very good at hiding the faint, white scars that still dotted her face from the accident. I cringed internally; I had gotten so used to them that seeing them in that sort of light was unnerving.

The video didn't get any better after that. It wasn't very finished and she needed to work on a few cuts, but what really made me uncomfortable was the way she talked. She seemed nervous and jittery, like she wasn't used to being on camera, even though I knew she had done various vlogs and challenges with Nick (Not that I had watched them all in a jealous ferment). I glanced over at the small girl to see that she looked as uncomfortable as I felt.

"Um, I think I'll need to see the finished product before I can give an opinion..." I said, avoiding what I was thinking.

She suddenly gave out a groan and let her head fall down to the table. "Ugh, Ross Hornby, if it's that bad that you can't even lie to me then I might as well jut delete it," she said with a huff, sitting back up and crossing her arms over her chest.

I looked over towards her as she continued to glare at the paused video. She looked healthy today, and I hoped it was because she had eaten something this morning. She had on a long sleeved Hat Films shirt that Smith had given her, and her brown curls seemed to have more life to them as they fell over her shoulder and down her back. "Maybe you just need to finish editing it?" I suggested, not really knowing what to say. I shuffled my chair closer and threaded a hand around her waist, trying to give her some silence reassurance.

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