From a bunch of [2]

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Nanao lends me her old glasses, which had oversized square frames, so I could walk around without bumping into things. We were walking around the Seireitei. They were guiding me around and told me about the history. They also told me about all the squad barracks. I gaped at the whole place, "How do you guys not get lost here?"

"Between you and me," Rangiku leaned a little closer to me, "I got lost here a few times." I nodded, which was understandable. I giggled silently. The place had several walls and buildings. All of it followed the traditional Japanese aesthetic. Which pleased my eyes to no end. Honestly, I could never get tired of the view.

Hinamori Momo, the girl I saw side-by-side with Shinji during the rescue, turned my shoulder as she pointed to a building. The roofs were yellowish gold. Its structure reminds me of a college. "That's the Shin'ō Academy," she said, "That's where people go to learn and train to be a Shinigami."

I turned to the ladies, "There's school even in the afterlife?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "A pain, isn't it?" Rangiku whined, patting my shoulder. "W-Well, not everyone can go in it..." Momo said, scratching her cheek with her index finger, "There's an entrance exam."

I blinked, "You mean you have to take an exam then you get in?"

Momo nodded, "Y-Yeah..."

I paused for a while, "I..." I looked at the academy building, "This surprisingly made my will to live to go up," I shook my head, "Imagine going to 20 years of school just to do it again in the afterlife."

"You sound like you had suicidal tendencies," Unohana spoke, "From the looks of your arm, it looked like you had participated in self-harm..."

"Self-harm?" Isane, a tall girl with short silver hair, "I thought those were her battle scars..."

I gave the two medics finger guns as I laughed nervously, "Those are certainly battle scars, but from another battle, sweeties," I laughed, adjusted my glasses then turned away from them. No, I chose not to talk about my mental health in front of stable pretty ladies. I wiped off bullet sweat from my forehead.

"Show me around more!" I said, and started walking ahead of them. The others followed behind me. One grabbed my shoulder and lead me around. My eyes caught a large number one in a building. "What's that?" I asked, pointing at the grand building.

"That's the first division headquarters and barracks," Soi-Fon informed, "Captains and lieutenants have their meetings there," she continued. Not going to lie, Soi-Fon looked like a decent person. Pushing aside the fact she gave me a dirty look every time I warm up to Yoruichi. But she was okay, I would understand her obsession with Yoruichi.

"Gramps always stays in there," Yachiru giggled. I blinked at her, "Gramps?" I repeated. "Head captain Yamamoto," Nanao informed. I nodded, letting out a long quiet, "Oh." I looked over at them, "Can I go in there?"

"It's best not to, Neddy-Chan," Rangiku laughed, grabbing my shoulder, "Onto the next building!" She announced as we all started walking. I looked over at Nemu. She was quiet the whole tour. Her green eyes looked around and occasionally looked at me. "Nemu-San," I called out. Her braid swayed to the side elegantly as she looked over at me.

"You're really pretty," I said, smiling at her.

Nemu was flustered by the small compliment. Her green eyes sparkled and a small smile came to her lips. I turned back to the front, feeling good about the compliment I gave her. "Why does this one got stairs?" I asked, placing a hand on one of the pillars. Both of the pillars had the number 2 on them. Soi-Fon swatted my hand off the pillar, "Because this is division 2," she said, side-eyeing me, "And I'm the captain."

I straightened my posture, "Sorry, ma'am," I mumbled, rubbing my hand. "Soi-Fon, take it easy on her," Yoruichi laughed, patting my shoulder, "She's just teasing you, don't worry," she assured me. Soi-Fon got flustered, "My apologizes, Lady Yoruichi!" Yoruichi-Sama.

I blinked. Wait, I've seen this before...

I shook my head, laughing with Yoruichi. We continued with the tour. We stopped in front of a humble-looking building. It had the number 3 on it. "This is the 3rd division's headquarters and barracks," Nanao said, adjusting her oval glasses. "Who's the captain?" I asked, looking up at the building.

"Captain Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi."

I gasped, "Rose?" I immediately ran into the building. "Neddy!" A few shouts of my name came from the ladies. But I continued running in. I looked behind me, noticing no one had followed me. I tilted my head to the side, "Eh, tak tahu pulak saya ni laju." (Didn't know I was fast.)

I looked around the hallway and continued running. Until I somewhat find an office or hear a faint sound of a piano or any musical instrument. I heard the sound of a soft guitar playing. I followed the sound, running still. I ran into someone, "Ow!" I squeaked, "Sorry!"

I looked at who I ran into. He was fairly tall to me, about 173 centimeters. Short blonde hair that covered his left eye. His eyes were blue and innocent. He looked gloomy and soft in a way. He had a lieutenant badge on his left arm. I stared at the badge, blinking. He stared at me, probably wondering what a child was doing in there.

He looked incredibly innocent. It was cute.

"Um..." I spoke, "Sorry for bumping into you..." I mumbled, fiddling with my fingers. "I'm just looking for your captain, Rose?" I tilted my head to the side, "I-Is he in...?" I asked, fiddling with the sleeves of my plain white kimono. He blinked for a few seconds, "Y-yeah, he's in..." he answered, "Why do you need to see him?"

"Uh..." I scratched the back of my head, "I guess we're friends?" I replied, sheepishly. "I mean, if he's busy it's fine," I laughed nervously, averting my eyes away from him. Someone came out from the door behind the blond, "Kira, is something the matter?"

Rose's purple eyes went over to me, "Ah..." he paused, "Shinji's girlfriend..."

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