Chapter 5: His So-Called Fiancee

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| [Y/N]'s PoV |

  Yesterday, Zen and I had spent our time hanging out in my apartment, we eventually became friends! From watching movies about him to exchanging numbers. He didn't stop showering me with his smooth flirts, but I don't really mind at all. While I get to know him more, he mentioned that I remind him of the 'trust fund kid' guy because of my addiction of cats, and that's the second time he said those words.

Despite the fact that he's obsessed with his looks and flirts me with his unlimited pick-up lines, I can tell that Zen can be very loyal and caring when he it comes to talking about his friends, including me.

I recalled the time that I wasn't asking for an autograph but he mischievously wrote his signature at my pillow, which ended up throwing it at his face again and left me angry. That was a funny thing to remember though.

   Sadly he had to go home when the heavy rain finally goes away. It actually rained for six hours, gave us time to hang out. And today, it was raining harder than yesterday.

Right now, I'm reading a story with my earphones plugged. The book I was reading is covered in maroon wrap, titled "Rich by Heart". A romantic story about a wealthy man who's heart got stolen by a poor, beautiful woman. They fell inlove, but the man's parents doesn't seem to like the woman and opposed their relationship. Forcing their son to marry a woman with an affluent, rich family instead.

I turn my the next page of the book. Every-time I feel lonely, or alone, I just read books instead. But I haven't read this one though, cuz' I wasn't interested.

This story was kind of boring since I'm not really interested in books about romance, but as I read more chapters, I find myself getting fond of the book.

The rich man in the story reminds me of none other than Jumin himself. They were both cold and formal. Plus, both of them are good-looking too.

   Apart from that. I was thinking about calling him, asking him how he's been doing. But I always convinced myself not to do that, scared that I might be a bother to him. And to be honest, I just can't stop thinking about him, I don't even have feelings for the guy. We just met three days ago!

The way he blocked me from getting hurt. And how he misses Rika dearly. I really like everything about him! I don't care about his lack of enthusiasm and how rich he is.

As I silently read my book I can feel myself that I'm starting to feel lonelier.

Maybe calling Jumin wouldn't be so bad? I just can't stop my curiosity about him.

I ignored the thought of fazing him, choosing to contact the executive director instead.

I sighed to myself as I stopped reading. "Okay, just one, short, phone call."

I left my bookmark and placed it at the last page I read on my book. I removed my earphones and opened my phone, scrolling down to the recent calls and found his number.

  I stopped nervously, thinking about what to say. Just a short talk, okay [Y/N]?

Just say hello, [Y/N].

I tap the call button, hands trembling. While waiting for him to answer, I can feel a single drop of sweat at my face.

Don't be nervous, [Y/N]. Calm dow—

"..Hello, who is this?" He answered the call.


I can feel my heart racing. Arrgh, Why am I being like this? Stop acting crazy! I silently groaned to myself.

"COLD-HEARTED." | Jumin H. (MM)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang