Start from the beginning

...Ouch. You could have punched Patton in the face and it would have felt better. Why? Because he knew that was a lie.

But why would Logan be lying?


Maybe he was just nervous. Patton was fairly sure this was the first lie Logan had told him in their decade-long relationship, so it couldn't be that bad, right?

"...Oh. Huh."

"Yes, it is extremely odd."

Both were silent for a couple moments, until Logan sighed again and turned off the TV. His eyes locked on the three photos near the TV, all of the photos showing Patton with various people. His eyes darted back and forth from all three.

"...You know, we haven't talked to Roman and Virgil in a long while, have we?"

Patton blinked. "No! We haven't! Huh, that's weird, I totally forgot that we haven't talked in a while. We should do that! Call them!"

"I'll, uhm, I'll send them a text right now. Perhaps we can FaceTime."

"Yeah, okay!"

Logan got out his phone and found Roman's contact, shooting him a quick text. Patton watched over his shoulder as they had a brief conversation until they agreed to FaceTime.

Both moved to sit on the floor and Logan let his phone lean on something on the coffee table. He called Roman, and soon enough, both him and Virgil appeared on Logan's screen.

"Hey, you guys!" Patton greeted enthusiastically, waving. Roman beamed back.

"Hey! How are you two?"

"We're doing... well," Logan answered, "how are you?"

"We're pretty alright." Virgil smirked gently.

"Man, we haven't talked in, like, forever!" Roman leaned back on the couch he was sitting on. "What could have caused that?"

There was a brief silence. Virgil elbowed his fiancé in the side.

"Ow! Virg- oh. Uhm, never mind." Roman chuckled awkwardly. "Well, uh, how's everything else going, then?"

Logan and Patton's continued to talk to their best friends for another half an hour, just joking and laughing with them the whole time. They talked about anything and everything, until at one point Patton just decided to kill all of them.

Wait- oh, jeez. That's bad phrasing. Figuratively kill all of them, with some dad jokes! How wholesome!

"Okay, okay, here's another one-" Patton clasped his hands together, "why are mummies scared of going on vacation?"

"Why?" Roman asked.

"Because they're afraid to unwind!"

Roman and Virgil started to snicker at that, and Logan sighed, biting the insides of his cheeks to keep himself from smiling.

"Another one!" Roman exclaimed.

"Okay- what do you call a dad that has fallen through the ice?"


"A popsicle!"

Roman laughed, Virgil snickered, and Logan continued to bite the inside of his cheek. Patton noticed what his husband was doing and giggled, turning to look at him.

"Oh, come on, Lo, laugh a little! Don't be so sophisticated, it's just you, me, Virgil, and Roman!"

Logan shook his head no, starting to smile a bit. Patton reaches his finger up and started to poke at his cheek. Logan scrunched up his face, his smile growing a tad bit. Virgil started to snicker at them.

Yours- Yandere!Logicality, Book 2 (Sanders Sides)Where stories live. Discover now