Chapter 13 - Imperfect

Start from the beginning

"But he's not bothered that you live with Sam?"

"Another brother. Sam basically grew up at my house. His parents are in the music business and travel a lot. He stayed for long periods under my parents' care. You can say that we've been roommates since we were six years old. Noah also bunked with Adam and Rory sometimes."

"Rory is the bartender, right? Still getting the hang of all the names and the relation to you."

"Yeah, he's the club's bartender and is only a year younger than us. I admire him so much, you know? He walked one day into the kitchen and announced that he wasn't going to college and was going to bartending school. My parents supported his decision, but Adam threw a fit, said he was throwing his life away. I could see it working. He was a popular guy in school and did these little juggling tricks to impress girls. After finishing school, he went on to win many flairtending competitions and Adam had to eat his words."

Matt placed his menu aside. "I did pretty much the same as Rory to the dismay of my father who wanted me to become a dentist like him. I always loved photography. When I was younger, I took a paper route on my quest for independence and saved the money I earned to buy me a camera. I would bring it everywhere with me while delivering the newspaper in case I came across something worth photographing. I took some serious courses after high school and got hired as an assistant in a studio until I could afford my own. What about you? Singing lessons and all that jazz?"

"Not at all. It's something I enjoyed doing since I was little. Noah started a garage band when we were in high school and asked me to be the lead singer. We thought we were the best thing on earth, especially after getting hired for some small gigs."

"The crowd at Moonlight House certainly appreciate your show. Do you also perform original songs besides covers?" He asked right before a server came to take our order.

"I've written a few songs, probably they are crap and I'm also a chicken when it comes to sharing them with other people. Noah has begged me forever to try at least one during the show to see how people react. What if they hate it?"

"Then you can say that you tried it. Right now, you only have the assumption that your songs won't be accepted, but what if they are? I've always believed that I should give things a go. I will never be able to please everybody with my art, but I don't like living not knowing if things could have worked out."

Matt's words made so much sense. I didn't feel like rushing to send songs to Noah, but at least they made me give the option a serious thought.


An annoyed crease appeared on Matt's forehead as he stared at whoever was behind me. I turned around and saw a woman striding towards us. She was beautiful and her tight clothes looked right in all places, but her nasty attitude shadowed it all. His face then filled with a mix of anger and hurt.

"It didn't take you long to get over me. Where did you find this piece of trash?"

"He found me when you were busy fucking his friend. He is too decent, smart and good looking, so I couldn't pass the opportunity to date him. You don't come across good guys like Matt often."

Matt's mouth hung slightly open as I held his hand over the table. The woman looked as if she was close to burst into flames.

"My deep gratitude to you for cheating on him. He's one hell of a lover, so you really let that one go. Hope you are happy with your loser."

It wasn't until that moment, that I realized how close I got to getting a slap on my face. The people around us noticed the exchange and were staring. She seemed to be looking for a comeback, but changed her mind and left.

"I have so many feelings running through me," Matt said. "I'm so sorry. That was so embarrassing, but is it bad that I want to congratulate you for pissing Wendy?"

"She has figurative balls for coming to the table and talking to me like that when she doesn't know me. Don't ever tell Adam about this. He'll begin a rant about how the purple hair makes me look trashy," I laughed and Matt visibly relaxed.

Something compelled me to act and I scooted my chair towards him, then cupped his face and gave him a peck on his lips. He looked at me with surprise.

"You... You kissed me..."

"You deserve it," I smiled at him.

"Are you okay with this? It's much more than I expected from tonight," his honest concern warmed my heart.

"I'm okay with it. Don't you worry. I feel in control."

We spent the rest of the evening talking about happier things and enjoying the delicious food. In exchange for treating me to dinner, I brought him to my favorite frozen yogurt place where we continued the fun mixing and matching toppings.

He brought me home right after and, as promised, kept his hands to himself. We stood in front of my door and I took a moment to appreciate his looks. His light brown hair needs an urgent haircut, and his left eyebrow is bushier than the right. His eyes are a very light green and when he smiles, he gets little wrinkles around them. He is taller than me, but not by much, and even though he has a slim body, there is a hint of love handles over the edge of his jeans. He is imperfectly perfect...

I kissed him again. Just the same as I did at the restaurant. A small kiss with no promises.

"I will call you tomorrow," he said while holding my hands.

But last night, I already had a sweet message from him, thanking me for the fun and peaceful night.

My coffee finished, I look at the clock and realize that I need to wake Sam up for work. My intention becomes unnecessary when I hear the front door opening and Sam comes in, wearing last night's clothes and grinning.

Moonlight House (Book 2, Lonstino & Greenwood Series)Where stories live. Discover now