Ch 25

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I was informed that most of the house was obliterated when the bomb was set off. So I took Lilly to a rental apartment that hopefully wouldn't be our home for too long.  I wanted to continue our relationship, just in a home. Our own home. 

I pulled up to the complex and slowly walked my girl up to the front entrance, struggling to hold back my urge to just pick her up and carry her the rest of the way. I did try when leaving the hospital, but she gave my shoulder a gentle slap with a 'I can do it myself sir'. I didn't like her attitude and told her to not argue with me on this. We stood at the hospital entrance for what felt like an eternity but finally agreed for her to just lean on me.

"Jason the place is beautiful!" Her bright hazel eyes looked up towards me once I unlocked the door. The place wasn't big but it did give off enough space for two people to live comfortably. It was new and had an all modern look to it. It was one story and had an open floor plan. The apartment was a change, but we would only be here for a few months until the new place was built.

She was slightly out of breath from our walk to the room but the doctor said her energy level would be low due to being stuck in a bed for a week. That was mainly my fault since I was afraid she would fall. Also I didn't want her giving all the attention to Anthony. 

But now we are alone. Thank god.

She tried to walk away from me to enter the apartment, but I snatched her arm and led her over to the couch. "Do you need anything? Water? Food? You know what, I will order some food for us right now!" 

As I'm flipping out since I don't know how to take care of someone, the beauty in front of me looks at me like I'm crazy. "Jason I can cook-" She moved to stand up but I pushed her back down onto the couch before she could finish. "No. You need to rest. Now do you want Chinese or Thai?" With an annoyed sigh of breath we ended up getting Thai.

For the last couple of days I had made sure I was there for Lilly. In fact, I made a set schedule to make sure nothing could harm her and I would be by her side the entire day:  

8:00am- Wake Lilly up with a kiss and help her to the bathroom

8:30am- Help Lilly to the kitchen so I can serve her breakfast and give her meds

9:30am- Help Lilly to the living room so I can workout in front of her while she reads

11:30am- Take a panicked five minute shower so I don't leave Lilly alone for too long

12:00pm- Visit my idiot of a best friend while the love of my life gives him all of her attention   

2:00pm- Pick up lunch on the way back to the apartment from the hospital

3:30pm- Watch a little TV since Lilly has a concussion and can't stare at a screen too long

4:00pm- Do work in front of Lilly because I need to be there if she needs anything

9:00pm- Eat a late dinner while telling Lilly she is not allowed to cook

10:30pm- Head to bed and get ready to do the exact same thing the next day

It worked and it was perfect. I did try to convince Lilly to let me help her shower, but my answer was the bathroom door slammed in my face with her screaming at me 'In your dreams!'. Which she was not wrong. Just thinking about it gave me a pair of blue balls since I knew that she wasn't ready for that part of our relationship any time soon to my disappointment. 

"Jason." I was helping her over to the couch when she stopped walking. I looked down at her and she looked like she was about to explode. Never really seeing her this angry, I almost took a step back in shock. "I-I just want to let you know that I appreciate your help and I am glad you are worried about me." A prideful smile gleamed on my face but vanished once she glared over at me. "But I am twenty-two, almost twenty-three years old! I got my staples out a few days ago and the doctor even told you I was fine! So I'm begging you, stop breathing down my neck. Or dear lord from the heavens above, I will smother you in your sleep." 

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