Ch 28

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I've been in this fucking hospital for two months. My skin grafts are finally done and I have my temporary prosthesis, but my councilor was shit and I went through most of the PTs in the hospital. Apparently I was too much to handle due to my crude language, my loss of motivation and choosing to not work with them.

The worst day was when I was learning how to walk. I was given a fucking walker, like I was some elderly man waiting eagerly for his day to die. To add on to the embarrassment, I was forced to walk in the hospital hallway where every fucking person could see me struggling to do an every day task.

In the beginning I had two people at my side and one person behind me holding my gown so people didn't see my damn ass. After that, I told them unless Lilly or Jason were here, I wasn't fucking walking. So a few phone calls later and a couple of days me screaming at the staff, I got what I wanted.

The PT hurt more than getting shot and I felt pathetic not being able to even move most of my limbs. Lets not forget about my damn fucking face. My left side was fine but my right side looked like a dead man's wrinkled ball sack. I was expecting to look like Todorki or Two-Face, but nope. Instead I have my left stomach skin grafted on my face, causing a bumpy and mis-colored wrinkled look.

To add to my embarrassment and misery, I was forced to be wheeled out when I was discharged from the hospital. According to my bitch nurse, Brenda, I didn't work on my PT enough to walk out. Well, screw you Brenda. 

"Anthony calm the fuck down." Jason mumbled into my ear. If he didn't tell me that Lilly was waiting outside with a surprise, I wouldn't have sat down in the damn chair. "Don't tell me to calm down!" With a groaned sigh, he wheeled me out the hospital doors.

The moment my eyes saw her, my breath was taken away. She was the definition of gorgeous. A stack of pure muscle, a tail like a whip, and the brownest eye you could melt in. "Did you get a dog?" I whispered. Lilly let the dog's leash go and the boulder of muscle leapt into my lap, knocking the air from me the second time. "No Anthony. She's all yours. We got everything for you but her name." Lilly giggled out. 

Seeing the dog made the stares and curious glances I received moments ago in the hospital disappear. When I stroked her fur and felt her rough tongue licked my cheeks, my anger and embarrassment over my looks went away for the first time since I saw my face. 

I named her Butter. She made me melt with how cute she was and butter is my favorite food. Jason told me I needed to pick a name that wasn't stupid, but Lilly shushed him up real quick. I mean who could go wrong with naming their dog Butter?


We were finally able to bring Anthony home. His apartment was right next door to ours, and after enough convincing, Jason had allowed me to help Anthony settle in. The big lug couldn't stay because he had a phone call to make about when he was planning on seeing his brother and Maria. Which was something I didn't want to hear at the moment since it brought back painful memories. 

After a few kisses and Anthony prying Jason's arms from me, I was left with a one legged man and a happy dog. Anthony went to take rest on the couch and baby talk to Butter once she jumped up to sit next to him. The dog seemed like she was in heaven receiving so much love and attention that I'm sure I could see her smiling. But Anthony looked the same way. Butter seemed to produce a genuine smile on him that I haven't seen in awhile. I soon joined them on the couch after making us some lunch.

 "So have you done the dirty?" I took a quick bite of my sandwich and looked over at Anthony in question. "Jesus Lilly! Have you and Jason had sex yet?!" The water that was supposed to be going down my throat ended up going through my mouth and nose.

Scaring the poor dog, Butter leaped off the couch and Anthony turned into a fit of laughter while my nose burned like the Devil's land. "Anthony!" I screamed while in a coughing fit. "I'm going to take that as a no?" I rapidly nodded my head in complete mortification. "Lilly, you are giving the poor man blue balls! If you won't give him sex, at least give him a blow job!" 

For once I understood his sexual terms. I overheard Anthony tell Jason he had blue balls one time and I was curious. Lets say the search results made me not look at Jason in the eyes for awhile and an automatic delete on my search history. The blowjob I sadly learned in college. I ended up walking in on my roommate giving her boyfriend one. It was also my first time seeing a real penis outside of a health book. So I did not look at my roommate or her boyfriend in the eyes for a long time as well. 

"I-I ... what?" I stuttered. "You know. Blowjob?" Anthony then motion the action out. "Anthony! I-I don't want to put his thingy in my mouth!" Anthony turned into another fit of laughter while I sat there debating on coming up with an excuse to leave the room. "Lilly?" I slowly looked over at the now calm man. "Let me tell you why giving a blowjob is not a bad or scary thing." 

For an entire hour Anthony explained to me what a blowjob was, why it isn't a bad thing, and how to do it. By the end I would like to say I could feel parts of my innocent soul leave me. Anthony was convincing though and I soon made my decision. I was going to give Jason a blowjob.

Ok first off, sorry for not posting last week so I am posting two chapters this week. Also if you couldn't tell, next chapter is going to be a little kinky... 😉😉



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