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Most mornings I wake up cold and have light coming in through the curtains blinding me. But this morning was different. Sure the light still burned my corneas under my eyelids, but I was warm and felt safe. But once I tried to move out of the bed, I realized that I couldn't. Feeling something squeeze my torso I looked down to see some very familiar hands. More specifically, Jason's. 

Having to really use the restroom, I tried to remove his grip but am instantly stopped by the best sound I hear every morning. His voice. "Go back to sleep sweetheart." he mumbles right into my ear and then tucking his head back into the crook of my neck. His whiskers on his face started to tickle me, making me giggle. I feel a smile spread on his lips that were pressed against my neck. Next thing I know, he flips me towards his chest and snuggles into me more. Well screw going pee, I can wait another minute or two. 

But that's when I realized that he shouldn't even be on my side of the bed, and I should still be upset with him. I wasn't going to forgive him so easily. He ignored me and made me worried sick about him for a week. The worst part out of this entire problem is he won't even tell me what's wrong. 

I went to go push him away from me, but I think I accidentally kneed him in a certain part of the male anatomy I wish not to fully mention. Instantly, he removes himself and ends up rolling off the bed groaning, creating a loud thud to echo through the room. I quickly move over to the side of the bed and peak over the edge, only to see Jason holding his crotch and a playful glare on his face. "Well that wasn't the morning wake up call I was expecting. I was thinking more of a kiss." he winks while standing up slowly. 

While blushing and ignoring his previous comment, I start to apologize  and clearly let him know I did not mean to do that. I only meant to get him off of me. "It's okay Lilly. I think I'll live." With a smirk on his face he tries to give me a hug, knowing full well I enjoy his hugs. That little turd. He's making it extremely hard to stay angry at him. 

Getting rid of my temptation, I back away from this gorgeous man. The smirk once on his face is gone, and is now replaced with a frown. His arms instantly drop like weights to his sides. "What's wrong my Angel?" His cute face scrunched up into concern, but I had to keep reminding myself to stay mad. "I'm upset with you." I cross my arms over my chest to strengthen my point, but it must of been humorous to the giant in front of me, for that stupid smirk grew back onto his face. "Oh you're upset with me. Huh.  Why is that my beautiful princess?" The nickname threw me off for a second, but I was determined to let this stupid man understand that he really has hurt me. "Well for one, you didn't stay on your side of the bed. But mainly I'm upset with you because you have made me worried sick about you all week and you won't even tell me why you just ignored me all of a sudden. You really did hurt me Jason."


Although I should have been focused on the fact that I just hurt my girl,  her angry self was extremely hot. I mean she is adorable, but seeing her scowl made my current injured dick twitch. 

Still not removing the smirk on my face, since I did sort of find her amusing, her glare strengthen. "Oh Angel. It was very cold last night. So I needed you for warmth." Her face told me she knew that I was talking complete bull shit. Apparently having enough of me, she very childishly stomps over to the bathroom and slams the door. 

Once she entered the bathroom, a chuckle slipped through my lips.  An amused smile was still on my face once she exited the bathroom but turned into a frown very quickly once she walked past me and out of the room. She didn't even look at me. Well fuck. I messed up big time and were not even together yet. 

I follow right after her like a scolded puppy, and we enter the kitchen. "Beautiful, do you want me to make you something?" but as the words were leaving my mouth, she was already grabbing a bowl of cereal and leaving for the dinning room. Completely ignoring me. Double fuck...

I tried making conversation during breakfast but either I was ignored or glared at. A gloomy and and sad wave rushed through my body. I don't think I've ever been this upset, not even during my childhood. Figuring that she might need some time to herself, I inform her that I'm going to go work.

I knew she was being a little vixen, but I was not expecting her to roll her eyes at me. Like a full on eye roll. She goes to stand up to put away her dishes, but before she could pick up her bowl, I grab her and flop her onto my shoulder. The most adorable squeak came from her. 

As I'm carrying her over my shoulder to my office, she starts to hit my back and screaming at me to put her down. Anthony did come running over to see if she was okay, but once seeing what was actually going on, he chuckled and walked away. "Lilly." I growl out. Almost instantly she stops hitting my back. "I don't find your attitude and ignoring funny." I growl lowly. She starts to resume her screaming until I drop her on the couch in my office.

I go to sit at my desk and she quickly gets up to leave the room, but I already locked the door before we entered. Allowing her to have her adorable temper tantrum, I ignore her trying to rip the door handle off, and start looking through my paperwork. 

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