Chapter 28

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AN: We're nearing halfway through this book but there will be a second one so don't worry:) Thanks for all the love and support you all give me, it means a lot to me. I'm also rewriting some of my planning, mostly for the flashback chapters since I thought their relationship wasn't developed properly, but that's not for you to worry about. I've fixed that now so I'm hoping the process will be realistic-ish. As always, keep a lookout for any less visible clues that I give, in particular the body language I use for Tsu'tey since that more often than his words show his true feelings :) Also not very happy with this chapter but it came out okay, I think. 

Awa faced the big, leafless tree in front of her with her eyes closed in concentration. She was trying to meditate, open her mind to Eywa and hopefully get some answers, answers she needed like she needed air. Her hands laid in her lap after she had given up on having them raised up in some kind of a prayer position that her arms quickly grew tired of. It had frightened her to feel that kind of a temptation to rush to death as she did during the meeting with the thanator. She had no idea why she all of a sudden got the urge to run towards an animal that was hunting her, and to risk her teacher's life at that. She took a deep breath and made a point to exhale loudly as if that exhale meant that all the negative thoughts flew away with it.

"What are you doing?" Ngeha asked her, having stumbled upon her figure sitting motionless in the tall grass that without a doubt had animals in it that were either hiding from the dreamwalker or stalking her.

Awa had chosen to meditate on the same spot that she and Atxa always met before training or lessons. It was in the middle of a small field full with high, green grass that the pa'li loved to graze and roll around in. There were a few trees around on the field but they were all smaller than the trees that lurked just behind the forest line. Small specks of color could be seen on the ground once you sat down that were in the shape of small flowers and plants.

"I'm meditating" Awa responded without opening her eyes. So far nothing had come out of her meditating but she had all day left and nothing else to do. She'd been sitting there for about two hours already and had no qualms with sitting there another two hours, as long as she got some answers about why all of these things were happening to her. She was just supposed to be an ordinary dreamwalker that somehow got lucky and got a shot with the big guys, but instead she was chosen by Eywa to receive a gift that so far no one had explained to her, one that also got her in heaps of trouble and made her want to rush to a certain death.

"Uhuh" Ngeha shot back with her hands firmly placed on her hips as she stared down at Awa with an unconvinced look on her stern-looking face. "This 'meditating', what is the purpose of it?"

Awa opened one eye and glanced up at her teacher's mate and then promptly shut it closed again. She had almost felt the soft embrace of Eywa when Ngeha had come to interrupt her and now she felt a sort of longing to get back in the cocoon of safety it had provided. "To get answers about my gift." She responded bluntly and shooed her softly.

"Your gift has been given to you by Eywa herself. It's a great honor, one not many have experienced. Not even during the time of the first songs." The Na'vi woman told the human one and fell down on her knees beside her. "Anything you wish to know about it you will find out only from Eywa, and some from the tsahìk."

The dreamwalker opened her eyes, staring at the Na'vi with wide, unblinking eyes. She placed her hands on her knees and leaned forward. "The tsahìk? You're telling me that you've been watching me have a mini existential crisis over this gift and not telling me that the answers are right under my nose?"

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