Chapter 5

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"Welcome back to the land of the humans, Awa" Grace grinned when the Na'vi approached her. They had devised a mask for her so that she would be able to breathe the air inside of the base. Awa thought she looked ridiculous with it on but it was something she had to do. She was just happy she didn't have to change her clothes before coming back, the humans seemed to have a problem with the outfit choices the Na'vi had.

"It's not good to be back I must say, Grace. I'd much rather stay cuddled up with Tsu'tey" Awa grinned back with a shake of her head, making her braids shake with the motion and the decorational pearls cling and click against each other. "You know damn well I only come here for you"

"Say what you want but I think you enjoy training these skxawngs once every week" Grace chuckled and gestured to the lined up dreamwalkers that stood behind her, all of them displaying the typical nervous signs like eyes averted to the ground, their tail either laying stiff or snaked around their leg, and ear flickering back and forth. They all wore the avatar sized human clothes that the RDA liked so much; a t-shirt, shorts and a pair of shoes. Awa snorted, whatever would they need those for. They all also had the same default braid that all of the Avatars had with Awa's being the only exception. Of course she never considered it an Avatar body or a replica of a Na'vi one, she had always regarded it as her true body and therefore refused to wear the braid like that.

"You know you'd drop this in the blink of an eye if the clan asked you to join us" Awa responded, tearing her eyes away from the humans she had no doubt would piss themselves if she continued to observe them. And Grace thought her batch was weak when they first came here, she thought to herself, reminiscing about the past. She shouldn't be so hard on them though, she was just as nervous her first time being in her new body, even though she had spent most of her actual training in the simulator. She quickly got over all that though, both with the help of Grace and her vigorous training and her Na'vi clan. She owed everything she had and am to them. Eternally in their debt and an eternity of gratitude for the Na'vi to have overlooked her past and instead looked at her as a person. Awa suspected her ability might have helped her a bit but she was quickly accepted into the clan as one of the people, and before long she had completed her training and was considered an adult by them. Her bow made from the hometree hung on her back, it was light but she knew it was there, ready to defend her. "So what are the plans for today?"

"First of all these drivers don't know na'vi as good as you and I so we need to speak english" Grace begun, her voice strong and with the usual cold tone in it. The older woman was in a business mode or as Awa liked to call it a Grace mood. Grace was simply being Grace, teaching the only way she could, she never lost the harsh words or cold tone until she was certain the driver would survive. Grace had learnt the hard way to not form attachments to people that may not survive their first week, luckily for Awa, Grace had made an exception for her.

"Let's get right to it then, no time to lose. I've got a hunt to catch in 3 hours, chop chop kiddos!"Awa marched up to the lined up drivers and barked out the order with an authoritative tone in her voice. This wasn't her rodeo and definitely not her last. "How many hours did you have in simulation? You begin" She point at the dreamwalker in the middle, she had developed a bit of an accent from only speaking na'vi and the occasional phrase in english. Good, she thought to herself when the newbie began physically shaking from nervosity and fright, they need to get over this quickly or Pandora will eat them alive.

"200 hours" The girl whispered, her cheeks turning into a darker shade of cyan as she twisted her hands together.

"Awa" Awa corrected with a cold tone, she wasn't here to be their friend and they had to understand that. Her job was to once a week come to base and train the drivers to better use their avatar bodies. The rest of the training was taken care of by Grace, which Awa appreciated a lot because that meant that she could spend all that other time with her mate and clan. She hoped that she would soon be able to quit all together. "My name is Awa and you will address me as such"

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