Chapter 22

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"I feel so uncomfortable wearing these clothes. No, I wouldn't even call it clothes, I feel uncomfortable wearing these little pieces of cloths." Awa complained to Atxa when she walked out of one of the changing 'rooms' their home had. It was the first time she wore Na'vi clothes and she felt for a lack of a better word: naked.

"Your other clothes were destroyed" Atxa pointed out with a stern look on his face. " First step to becoming one of the people is wearing the garbs we do, young one."

"There you go again, sounding so wise" Awa laughed, though she appreciated his advices and weird moments of wisdom and formal speech. "Are you always this serious and formal or is it only with me?"

"How bold of you to assume that I change the way I talk for you, I've known you for at least a month." He responded with an almost offended look on his face and a bit of an irritated glimpt in his eye teased her. "I'm your mentor and I'm a professional, hence the formal language and serious attitude. What you're attempting to do is serious, sure sometimes I have acted in a manner similar to yours but that was to make it easier for you."

Awa hummed and shifted the small thong she had been so graciously gifted by a couple of reluctant Na'vi women who had thrown the material at her with a warning hiss. It had to be the most uncomfortable thing she had ever worn, and it covered next to nothing of her body, sure the small cloth hanging in the front shielded some but not a lot. Her top, or more like branches that covered only the absolute most private parts of her breasts sat surprisingly tight and comfortable a top her and by the firm grip it had she wasn't worried that it would fall off any time soon. She had gotten a chance to braid her hair again and she had managed to steal some pearls and colorful strings from a small basket that was left unsupervised and she had quickly placed those in her hair with a gleeful grin.

"Whatever you say, oh powerful coach" She sing-songed with a teasing grin and the same teasing look in her eyes that she so often held when she was around people she liked. "It's okay to not be serious sometimes"

"I'm older than you, of course I know it's okay. However those moments shouldn't happen during our training together, as you've noticed those 'not serious' moments only happen outside of training and that is how it needs to be. Training isn't something to joke away, it's learn or die." He lectured her with a hand firmly grasping her shoulder.

"You pushed me off a tree"

"Learn or die" He retorted and dropped his hand to his side.

"You threw me off a cliff" Awa said and crossed her arms defiantly.

"Learn or die" He shot back and begun walking away from her, making her sputter and sprint slightly to catch up with him.

"How are those examples not showing that you weren't being serious?" She asked with a curious look on her face that was slightly tainted by the bit of darkness present there as well.

"I've told you three times already, with Pandora it's either learn or die. Those falls did wonder for your ability to trust yourself in moments of panic and you got some well needed exercise" He retorted with a pointed look that made Awa gasp.

"Are you saying I'm fat?!" She shrieked, a sentence so familiar it felt like she was back in school on earth. "Atxa?!"

I see you, Tsu'teyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang