Chapter 11

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AN: This chapter has been edited... a lot.

Neytiri stood up on shaky legs and motioned weakly towards where her friend was lying on the ground. "It was an accident, he didn't mean it"

Most of Awa's unmoving body was covered by Neytiri's shaking one. She had fallen on her side and the animal she killed had rolled over to the side of her after the fall. Its cold and lifeless eyes staring right into Neytiri's frightened and wide open ones. Blood was trickling out of a wound on Awa's forehead like small rivulets of red, staining her natural blue color. Khan had kept sprinting away from Jake even after Awa had fallen off his strong back. The pa'li was too far into his panic fueled sprint to notice anything, least of all that his rider had fallen off. Big, deep marks had been drawn into the ground from the pa'lis rushing around the small plot of earth they called training ground.

Jake had fallen off his pa'li, and into a deep puddle of mudd a short distance away from Awa and was currently brushing off the thick clumps and liquid from his bruised body. All of him had been painted a mud brown from his fall and it hurt everytime he tried to open his eyes. Jake was temporarily blinded and all he could hear was heavy breathing somewhere in the deafening silence that surrounded them. He didn't know what had happened to Awa, in his panic he didn't even recognise her as he on his pa'li had soared past them. He thought it was quiet because of either Neytiri holding in her laughter again or she was very disappointed, little did he know.

Tsu'tey huffed with a glare on his face, not yet realising what had happened with Awa, as he stomped his way over to where his mate was lying with dust flying up into the air after each step. The thick green and light brown contrasted greatly with the blue humanoid Tsu'tey was walking towards, but what contrasted the most was the harsh red against soft blue. He scowled deeply when he heard the huffing and groaning from the dreamwalker he absolutely hated with all he had in him, it was such a burning hate that he sometimes didn't know how he resisted the urge to beat the man to a pulp. This certainly didn't help him gain any bonus points either.

"Move" He growled with tense shoulders and lips pulled into a tight line. When Neytiri didn't move as fast as he wanted her to he squared his shoulders, bared his teeth and pushed her away from his mate by the shoulders. "I said move! Go get that fucking human out of here before I kill him for this!"

"You need to calm down before you do something you'll regret" Neytiri warned, still keeping a submissive posture as to not aggravate the protective male.

"Why were you not keeping a closer eye on him, huh?" He spat with fire in his eyes. "If you had done what you were supposed to do then Awa would never have been hurt."

"You think I wanted this? I don't control what Jake does and you know it!"

"You were supposed to look after him!" He screamed at her, a vein pulsing angrily on his forehead. "What if it was a child, what if it was one of the elders and not a young Na'vi like Awa. What would you do then, what would you do when you had their blood on your hands"

"But it wasn't, how was I supposed to know that Awa was going to come through the forest at that exact moment? Why were you not with her? If you were with her this would never have happened. " Neytiri snarled back, the fire in her eyes burning equally if not more than Tsu'tey when he accused her of being responsible. "Maybe that's it. Maybe you're blaming it on me because you don't want to realise that it's your fault as much as it is mine"

"Just because she's my mate doesn't mean I have to be with her all the time, she doesn't want that and neither do I! She's more than capable of defending herself to whatever she meets in the forest but she had her guard down. She let down her guard because the training grounds are supposed to be safe! How was she supposed to know that you would fail at teaching him?!" Tsu'tey asked, rising to his full height as he stared the other Na'vi down. "This is not my fault so don't even try to pin it on me"

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