Chapter 23

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AN:Sorry for the late update, I've been busy with school. Hope you enjoyed the extra long chapter!

A few days had passed from Awa's confrontation with Jake about him being a spy, that ended with a mutual kind of truce. Of course Awa thought his reasons and excuses were total poppycock, but she couldn't tell him that in fear that he'd either turn defensive because of it or that their small truce would fall apart. No, it was better if the dreamwalker thought she bought his reasons and was none the wiser about her real motives behind it. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened during the passed time, life had more or less gone back to normal after the drama. She did her chores, hunted, spent times with her friends, socialized with her clan, and of course spent some much needed quality time with Tsu'tey, who wasn't very happy about the friendship his mate had begun forming with the dreamwalker. He would rather she stay away from humans, the people that hurt her, and until Jake proved himself different from them Tsu'tey didn't want Awa near him.

Awa had also been avoiding Ngeha, or at least as best as she could when the older Na'vi popped up everywhere Awa went. She was upset that her best friend didn't believe her, not to mention that Awa was right about it, and that she'd rather wait for Jake to do something before they make a move. Awa needed time to think, and space, but Ngeha didn't want to give her any, she seemed ademnant not to let Awa distance herself.

"Awa!" She heard an authoritative voice call out, the voice strong, loud and confident. It was a voice she recognized immediately, it was instinct to react to it and respond. She turned around and was faced with the stern face of Mo'at, the Tsahìk. The tsahìk was carrying a basket of one of Awa's favorite fruits, no matter how many times they told her she never remembered the name of it. All she knew was that it was delicious and grew far away from the hometree in a swamp like area that was notorious for its poisonous mushrooms and lurking beasts.

"Yes, Tsahìk?" She asked with a respectful bow that showed just the right amount of neck to be considered respectful but not low enough so that she'd seem submissive. Her tone was respectful but still friendly and familiar. Despite their friendly relationship respect was always needed and Mo'at was the leader of the clan after all.

"My daughter is going on a hunt today and has asked for you to take over Jake Sully's training for today" The matriarch of the clan informed Awa with a slight grin when the older Na'vi saw the look on Awa's face, it was as if someone had kicked Khan, bound him and then threw him in the ocean.

"Neytiri wants me to train Jake?" Awa repeated with an expression of shock on her face. This wasn't at all how she wanted to spend her day, not now, not ever. "But-"

"I said what I said. Now go" Mo'at commanded, her eyes stern and demanding that she do as she said. The matriarch tilted her head slightly, angled her body just the right angle and narrowed her eyes into slits as she stared at Awa, who shrunk back with eyes directed to the ground.

Awa had never been outright disrespectful of Mo'at but she had been defiant at times, often disagreeing with some decision the leaders made, still a certain amount of respect was required. The former dreamwalker's position in the clan was high and secure so she had a bit of a say but she tried not to be too vocal, partly because she's never been too opinionated or confrontational, and she most of the time didn't care enough in the end.

Awa sighed and closed her eyes briefly when she contemplated her choices, or rather choice. She didn't want to train Jake for the day, not even if they ended their last conversation on friendly terms. She hadn't forgiven him for anything so it would probably be very awkward and uncomfortable. That and she couldn't trust herself to be a good trainer too him, but Neytiri and Mo'at trusted that she'd be able to do this.

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