Episode 44: The Eight Winds

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Hideo went straight to the angelic dome after he finished eating. His teammates had suggested meeting up for some training. Plus, it'll be a great bonding exercise. He didn't even know the names of most of his teammates. In fact, he wasn't even sure as to why they joined him over the others, considering his lackluster performance against Eiichi.

He hated to admit it, but the peasant was stronger than him.

"Hey," Hideo said as he entered the room. His teammates had gathered around in a circle. They all turned to look back at him as soon as he approached them.

"Hey, short stuff!" a dark-skinned blond yelled as he ran over to the knight. The guy had a resemblance to the Kuroichi-Raiyama brothers.

Hideo narrowed his emerald eyes at him. "Don't call me that!"

The guy put his hands on his hips and chuckled. "I call them as I see them."

Hideo pouted and crossed his arms. "I'm the boss here!"

"He's right, Borasco. We have to respect him," a lanky guy with glasses said as he stepped forward. With his sweater vest and tie, the guy looked more like a nerdy scientist than a soldier.

The short-knight grinned. "Glad that one of you understands, at least!"

Borasco leered at the lanky guy. "Seems you weren't content with being the teacher's pet, now you go on and become the knight's pet."

The guy adjusted his glasses and scoffed. "Such childish behavior isn't befitting a soldier of the Kurorikuian army."

Borasco snickered. "Same can be said about your musculature. You look like you'll faint even walking toward the front line."

The glasses guy blushed. "Y-you know that's not true! You've seen me in action before at school!"

The dark-skinned blond rubbed the back of his ear and chuckled. "Yeah, but only for short spurts. You were always put on the bench whenever you got tired." Borasco poked his teammate in the chest.

"That may be, but at least I don't have a brick for a brain, unlike a certain someone! I bet you'll get us all killed!"

Hideo rubbed his head and grumbled. "Shut up!"

The two turned to look at him and jumped away.

"Pardon me, Sir Hideo," the glasses guy said, bowing.

"How overly formal..." Borasco said, leering at him.

"And you're overly informal for one of noble birth!"

"Don't start again!" Hideo yelled.

The glasses guy covered his mouth and stepped back.

A girl dressed in a brown cloak snickered. "Seems you can't control your own team, huh, big bro?" the girl said.

Hideo's eyes widened. It was the first time he had heard her talk. "Kiara, is that you?"

The girl removed her hood, revealing short orange-brown hair. "Yup, it's me! Missed me?"

He stared at her dumbfounded. "What are you doing here? You should be back home, taking care of Dan!"

Kiara lowered her eyes. "Dad said to watch over you. He's worried about you."

The short-knight crossed his arms over his chest. "Worried? Why would he be? I can take care of myself!"

"Right, like how you took care of yourself against my cousin," Borasco said, snickering.

I nodded. "Yeah, like I took care of- Wait, what?" he asked, turning to look at the dark-skinned blond.

[Completed] Legend of the Five Knights I: Rise of a Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now