Connected by the Soul: chapter 28

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⚠⚠Trigger warning (mental and physical) abuse⚠⚠

"Are you insane. No." I say. "No?" He questions, as if it's some kind of foreign word. "No. I'm leaving." I say. "No your not." Colby says angered. "What's gotten into?" I ask, trying to pull away from him. His hands moved from my hands to wrist and he started squeezing them. He wouldn't let me leave. "Stop it. Let me go!" I yell as tears start to form in my eyes. "What you didn't think you'd get away that easy?" I hear Alex's voice tell me. When I look back to who I thought was Colby I see Alex. "Alex please. Let me go." I beg, getting flashbacks from our past. "Pretty boys not here to save you now. Why are you even with him?" Alex asks. "Because I love him. I love him more than anything in this world and he loves me back, unlike you." I say, still struggling to escape. "You don't actually believe that do you?" Alex says in such a cold tone that even I have never heard come from him. "What?" I ask, knowing the answer. "That he loves you. Really loves you. There's nothing to love. Your just a used toy." He says, in the same cold tone. I stop struggling and just begin to cry, giving into the feeling of complete brokenness, and thinking that he might be right. "See even you know it." He says, continuing to bruise my emotions. "No." I cry out. "No what? Don't fight the truth. Your just a whore waiting to be used." He says pulling me closer to him. "Stop it. He loves me. I know he does. I can even feel it." I cry. "Can he feel this." He says moving his arms to my waist once again and leaning closer. I try to push away, but he's to strong. "Or this." He says, before forcing his lips against mine. I struggle and try pulling away the whole time. He forces his tongue between my lips, but I keep my teeth shut as, tears stream down my face. "God your so annoying." He says pulling away. "You really have become completely useless. Don't even know how to be used anymore." He says angrily pulling away. "Why are you doing this?" I cry out. "Just let me go home to Colby." I say. "So you refer to him as you home now, how sweet. Maybe I should just knock you out right now, you'll be a whole lot easier to use and you'll stop talking so much." Alex says in an intimidating tone. "Let go of her!" I hear Colby's voice shout out in anger. I turn my head, scared to find out if it's just my imagination. It's not I see Colby coming our way. "I'm sorry. I tried finding him as fast as I could. I only want to help you now." Autumn cries, stopping at the water, because she can't come in. Colby keeps running over to where Alex and I are standing. "Look what you've done. You little brat!" Alex yells out. Someone appears behind Autumn. I try to yell out to her, but the person pushes her into the water. Just before Colby could get to me a wave flood overs all of us, washing everyone and everything out. All I can see around me is the body of water I'm drowning in. I'm trying to get to the surface of the water and breathe, but I had already swallowed a mouth full of salt water. My throat was burning and I couldn't focus. I started to see the surface and I even felt my hand come out and touch the cold air. I knocked out before I could escape. 'Almost. Your almost there.' I remember thinking, before everything just goes completely black. Now I'm just in this empty black space. "Am I dead?" I ask myself. I look around seeing nothing, and I begin to cry. "No. I almost made it." I cry. "But you didn't." A voice responds. Then I shoot up out of my sleep. "Colby?" I say turning to the left of me, scared that he might not be there. But he is. He's laying there peacefully sleeping with his arm still wrapped around me. I lay back down, turning and face away from him. I just begin to cry as quietly as possible. I don't want to bother him or wake him up. What if it wasn't a nightmare, what if it was a message or realization. What if Colby really doesn't love me. He came to save me though. Am I just insane. Have I just become so fucked in the head I don't know who even cares about me anymore. "Baby?" I hear Colby's voice softly says. You can definitely hear he just woke up. "Yeah." I say sniffing and trying to sound normal. I didn't though and he knew that. "What's wrong baby?" He asks concerned, turning me around. I turn around and he pulls me closer to him. "What is it? Was it a nightmare, because I'm right here. It's okay." He says stroking his fingers through my hair. "Colby? Do you love me?" I ask, my voice cracking between words. "Of course I do. I love you more than anything. So much that I don't even know how to explain it. You know that." He says, continuing to hold me. "I believe you." I whisper. "Baby? What happened?" He asks slightly pulling away and looking down at me. "I just... I don't know if I want to be here." I say in a shaky like tone.

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