Connected by the Soul: chapter 30

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I wake up to Colby's alarm, but I also hear two other alarms from different rooms. Colby grumbles, as he sits up. He turns off his alarm and sighs. "Stupid ass video." He murmurs. "I thought you loved filming them." I say. "I do, I'm just hella tired." He says. "Oh okay." I nod. I look down and begin to think about everything. I keep getting flashes of different parts of my dreams. I can't get the little girl out of my head. Thinking that the guys may do a ritual scares me. It's not because of Autumn or even Alex, I can't explain what it is or was. There was like something evil or I don't know. Whatever it was or whoever it was that pushed Autumn into the water. I could feel the anger in them It felt so dark it was scary. Actually scary. I felt something else too though, it was sorrow or regret. I couldn't really tell, it was being masked by the fierce anger. Whatever that small piece of sorrow was it was strong, it couldn't be hidden the way they wanted it to be. The sense of it would have made me cry if I wasn't already. "Hey are you okay?" Colby asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah why?" I ask, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Colby looks at me concerned. "Because your eyes are watery." He says. I wipe my eyes confused. It was probably the feeling, I think it had some kind of affect on me. This is really freaking me out and I'm getting scared again. I take a breath in a calmly let it out. "Uh? It's probably because I'm still tired. I just yawned." I state, saying the first thing that came to mind. "Are you sure?" Colby asks. "Yeah of course." I smile, not really feeling it though. We both hear a knock and my head shoots to the door. "Are you guys ready?" I hear Sam ask. "Yeah you can Come in." I say. Of course it's Sam, who else would it be, besides someone from the group. I think I'm really freaking myself out and I need to stop. "Hey we're about to start filming in the downstairs 'living room' area." Sam says. "Okay we'll be there in like two minutes." Colby says. "Okay I'll meet you down there." Sam says, before leaving. Colby gets up and closes the door behind Sam. "Bri, being one hundred percent honest... Are you sure your okay?" He asks. I nod my head yes. "Do you swear on my life." He asks. "I would never swear on your life." I answer. "Swear on my life." He says. "No. Would you swear on my life?" I ask. "Okay fine." He sighs. "Can we just go? Everyone's waiting." I say looking down because I feel a little bit guilty, knowing I'm not being completely honest. "I just want to make sure your okay. I love you and I never want you feeling uncomfortable or anything like that. I trust you though. Come on." He says, before opening the door. "Ugh your the worst." I say crossing my arms. "Huh?" Colby asks. "You know the person I told you about. The one who pushed Autumn into the water, before I drowned?" I ask, to re-jog his memory. "Yeah?" He says, closing the door again and walking to me. "Well she was a bad spirit, I could feel hate and an evilness in her heart. That wasn't it though. There was a sadness, one they wanted to hide, but it was strong. I felt it, it was really bad. It was hidden, but just thinking of it almost makes me want to cry. I felt it in real life before, and feeling they're sadness, just brought the feeling back for some reason. I don't know though. I sound crazy, let's just go." I say, shaking my head as if it's just nonsense. "That's not a normal nightmare Bri. Maybe we should call a median or something." Colby says, his worried eyes, set on mine. "I think it's just the hotel. I just want to get through this trip and go home. Is that okay?" I say, wanting to forget about it. "Okay. Whatever you want." He says, hugging me. "Colby I'm not a child. It was just a nightmare." I say, before pulling away and walking to the door. He just stands there. "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Please let's just go. Everyone is probably waiting and I want to get this over with." I say in a way nicer tone. "I'm sorry. We can go." He says. Shit now I feel bad. "Colby don't be sorry. You didn't do anything, but care. I should be thanking you. I'm just. I don't know. Tired maybe." I say as we walk back to the group. "I love you." Is all he says. "I love you too." I softly smile. The truth is I really didn't mean to sound rude earlier or anything. It was honestly comforting having him care so much and hug me. The thing was that if we kept it going I know I would have cried again. I don't want to cry anymore. Not over the past or the dream or at all right now. Especially now that I'm in front of everyone, no sir, I couldn't handle that.

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