Connected by the Soul: Chapter 32

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I let Sam record as I explain what happened. "Why didn't you tell us this before?" Sam asks. "Don't." Kat says to Sam, looking down and shaking her head. I look over to her as my eyes return to a glossy form. "I've never had a dream like that. Never with ghost or spirits or anything. I just thought that it was just some weird dream thing. The reality of the nightmare is different though. I've had dreams about my past. I've even dreamt memories of Alex..." I look to the camera then back down. "When he abused me." I say, my voice breaking. "Bri." Kat says with glossy eyes, looking over to me. She pulls me into a hug. "I should have been there. It shouldn't have happened. It's my fault." She says crying, and holding onto me. I see Sam immediately turn off the camera. I make quick eye contact with him, before he and the rest of the group decide to leave Kat and I alone for a moment. "Kat, that wasn't your fault. It was mine for staying. I didn't tell you and that's the only reason there is. I know you would have stopped it sooner if you could. I just thought I loved him and that he loved me back. I never thought it'd get that far." I say, through my scratchy voice, as I cry it away. "You were there as soon as I told you what happened. You and Tara both saved me. I should have let you guys do it from the start, it's my fault. You have nothing to blame yourself for. I'm sorry if you ever felt any other way. Your my best friend. I need you. You and Tara, because guess what. We left Alex, all of us together. I couldn't have left on my own. I needed the two of you and I still do. You've never left my side." I say calming down with every word, yet tears still continuously fall. The feeling of worry settled though. Now I just felt anxious and loved. Loved my best friend and entire friend group. Anxious not knowing what's gonna happen when we walk back out to the guys, or let them back in. "I know, but I still" "Don't. You have nothing to feel bad about." I cut her off, knowing what she was gonna say. "Kay." She says nodding her head. "I guess we should go catch up with everyone. Continue the video." I say. "Yeah." Kat sighs. "Maybe we should go rinse our faces first." I laugh. "Yeah, let me not look like a complete mess on camera." She laughs along. We walk to the bathroom to rinse our faces, then back to the guys. We see them sitting at the table, discussing everything that just happened. "Hey you guys are back." Sam says, putting his hand out, for Kat to grab. She sits down in her seat from earlier. I look at the seat I was in and hesitate before sitting down. Colby softly kisses me when I sit down. I look over to him and lightly smile. "So what now?" I say looking to the rest of the group. "Well actually..." Sam says, dragging out whatever they had in mind. "Are you gonna tell me or..." I say, impatiently. "Colby you should tell her. She won't kill you." Sam says. "What no. You said you would?" Colby says. "What? Someone just say it." Kat says. "For God's sake. I'll do it." Jake says. "It's about time. Thank you Jake." I say. "We're gonna do the Ouija board." Jake says. "Okay fine." I say, shrugging. "Waite what?" Colby asks. "Yeah. I don't know if I'm okay with this, so why are you?" Kat says, just as shocked as Colby. "You guys can do it. I'm not going to do it, but I'll watch. I just want you guys to be careful. Truthfully this stuff isn't just a game or something fun for a video. I know you guys know that though, so go ahead." I say. "Waite you're not going to it with us?" Sam asks. "Of course not, are you crazy? You saw what just happened and heard my whole dream. I'm still freaked out. I'm not gonna just go mess around with a Ouija bored, like that was all just a weird coincidence, because it wasn't." I say. "Yeah, but I thought Autumn isn't bad. Wouldn't it be good to talk to her?" Sam asks. "She's not bad. But something in that dream was. This isn't something normal to me. It's actually scary. What if something's just messing with me. What if it wasn't her." I say, getting worried thinking about it. Colby wraps his arm around me. I quiver, before realizing it's just him, and calming down. "No your right. I'm sorry. I didn't think of that." Sam says. I know he meant it, but I think he was mostly trying to calm me down. "Yeah. I think I'll just watch with Bri." Kat says. "Yeah okay." Sam says, glancing at her, then to Colby. "Okay well we have to start this and get it over with." Colby says. I just nod my head, before Kat and I stand up. "Hey Bri?" I hear Jake say. "Yeah?" I say, turning back to him. "You sure you'll be okay?" He asks. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Thank you." I say, softly smiling. It's sweet that they all care about me like this. It's not what I'm used to. I've always just had Kat and Tara. For the longest time that was the only real love or care I've felt from anyone. "Okay." Jake says, hesitantly nodding his head. "Okay. Be careful guys. We'll be watching from the back I guess." I say, before Kat and I walk to the back of the room and sit down against the wall. Colby sets the camera up and they explain everything, before begining the ritual or whatever. They welcome the spirits, then Sam asks if any are present. At first nothing happens, then the planchette slowly moves to yes. "Is this Autumn?" Colby asks. The planchette moves again, but not to yes. 'Is she okay?' It slowly spells out. I feel a shiver run down my spine and I inch my way further against the wall. 'Yes. Is this Autumn?' Colby answers and repeats. It moves to yes, then back to the center of the bored. "Why are you asking for her?" Colby asks. 'D o n t s w i m' the letters spell back. "The beach? Why not?" Colby aks, putting two and two together. 'D e a t h' it spells, before going to the center. Immediately after it spells 'bye'. "Oh my goodness." Kat murmurs. "I don't like this?" I say, feeling a fear consuming me from inside out. "Are you still there?" Jake asks. The planchette doesn't move. They waite a while, then surprisingly it starts moving again. It was weird though, like I expected all the other ones, but not this one. It didn't feel right. I listen to Sam say the letters allowed. "D. I. E." He spells. "Die." He murmurs right after. I jump up. "Stop it. That's not her. I can feel it. Please." I say, tears springing to my eyes. All there heads snap to me, before they look back down at the board. They rotate the planchette around the bored three times and end it.

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