Connected by the soul: Chapter 21

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We all get our food and split up again to drive to the airport. We ended up eating in the car, because we realized we couldn't take the food through customs. When we got to the airport we went through customs and the detectors before going to board the plane. We all ended up sitting in a row next to one another. In the first half was Kat, Sam, then Jake. On the other end was Corey, me, then Colby. We all ended up sleeping through most of the flight, except for Corey. Everytime I woke up he was watching a movie or listening to music. I think it was because he was the only person who got sleep last night. I felt kind of bad, I'm sure he was bored as hell. See Colby an I did everyone a favor last night, and we had fun doing it. I'm still tired, but I decide to get up to talk to Corey. "Hey." I say sitting up. "Oh, hey Brianna. Why are you up? Based on last night I thought you and Colby would be asleep through the whole plane ride." Corey laughs. I heard one of the guys sitting behind us failing to hold in his laughs. Corey wasn't really talking loud, but it was loud enough for the people behind us to hear. I nudge Corey, but still laugh a little too. "I just thought you might be bored." I yawn. "Oh that's nice. You don't have to stay awake if your tired though." Corey says. "Oh no it's all good." I smile. "Are you sure your not exhausted. Because Jake said he didn't get any sleep. How long did you sleep for?" Corey asks. I almost choke on my own spit when I hear him ask that. "A little bit less than an hour." I say in a low voice. "Oh my god you only slept an hour are you joking, you guys were the first ones to go to bed." Corey exclaims in laughter. "Oh my god corey shut up." I laugh and nudge him again. I start blushing knowing for a fact that the the people in front of us and behind us heard him. I feel a tap on my shoulder, so I turn around. To see the guy who was trying not to laugh earlier in full on laughter now. "I'm sorry, I'm Aaron, I just... Colby's your boyfriend right?" He says. "Yeah. I'm Brianna, that's Colby, and this is Corey." I say introducing ourselves. "Hey man." Corey says. "See I thought she'd be as tired as Colby here. From what I heard." Corey says. "Coreyyy." I say blushing and pushing him lightly. Aaron laughs and I lightly laugh too, even though I'm getting completely embarrassed in front of a stranger. Corey, Aaron, and I all just start talking. Reluctantly we changed the subject from Colby and I to some other random things. At some point his friend Dominic woke up. Corey and I introduced ourselves and started talking with him too. Our conversation was interrupted by one of the flight attendants announcing that the plane will be landing in approximately five minutes. Everyone woke up from it except Colby. He slept right through the announcement. Corey, Aaron, and I all start laughing. Aaron and Dominic end up introducing themselves to the rest of the group, while I wake up Colby. "Baby get up were about to land." I say, while shaking him. Finally he wakes up. He has a confused look on his face, before realizing what's going on. Just as he relaxes the flight attendant announces that "we are now landing." Colby jumps up, from the noise I'm sure, then relaxes again. We all start dying in laughter and I can see him start to blush. "You really are to cute." I laugh before giving him a quick kiss. He just kisses me back then smiles. I turn around to talk to Justin and Dominic. It turns out Baltimore was just a mid stop for them, they're getting on another flight after this. Colby turns around to see who I'm talking to. Dominic and Aaron introduce themselves and Colby does the same in return. As we leave the plane Corey and I exchanged Instagrams with them and say our goodbyes. "Oh and Colby I just want you to know I aspire to be like you one day." Aaron says. "Awe thanks man." Colby responds and they walk off. Corey and I start bursting into laughter. Colby and the rest of the group just look at us in confusions. "What?" Colby asks. "Nothing man he just thinks your a great YouTuber." Corey laughs. "Yeah, but what's so funny?" Colby asks confused, which just makes it funnier.

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