Connected by the soul: chapter 11

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We decided to play girls verse guys and obviously the girls are gonna win. Kevin set up the game while the rest of the group split into our groups. Back in my home town I majored in art. That's actually what took me so long to move. Kevin introduces everybody in both teams then explains the rules. "Of course it's just like normal pictionary, but it has a twist. If the group doesn't guess the right drawing in the three minutes everyone in the group has to take a shot." Kevin says. "Oh shit I didn't really feel like getting fucked up today." Jake says. "Well that's to bad, because you guys are about to take a big loss." I laugh. "Ooooooo." Kevin says, turning the camera back to face the guys. "Hey! Your supposed to be on our team." Corey says. "Actually I decided I'm gonna be the judge." Kevin says. "What so you don't have to drink." Ariya complains. "Exactly." Kevin laughs. Kevin turns the camera towards him for a moment. "For legal reasons. It's obviously just juice." Kevin says winking, then facing the camera back towards the group. "Okay so whose going first?" Kat asks in excitement. "Well ladies first." Jake says, while getting up and going to the bored. We all laugh, then Kevin shows him a card. Jake begins to draw and the boys start guessing. They all had to take a shot because none of them guessed it on time. It turns out it was a horribly drawn drunk horse. Honestly once you know what it is you can kind of see it. Devyn goes up next. "Okay guys I'm not that good at drawing so be prepared." She says. "Just go you'll be fine." Xepher reassures her. Kevin shows her a card and she begins. We all start throwing out guesses. The drawing was actually pretty good, just impossible to guess. It was supposed to be a giraffe doing a back flip. We all had tp take a shot. Come on though, the guys got a way easier one. We all continue playing, both groups having to take shots every once in a while, until Colby and I were the only people left to draw. Colby went up and checked his card, then started drawing. I honestly had no clue what the hell he was drawing. The time beeped and all the guys had to take a shot. "What was it even supposed to be." "Oh it was supposed to be a sloth doing a handstand." "Wow. Sloths are my favorite animal and you just did them dirty." I laugh. "Okay let's see you do any better." He says walking closer to me. "Okay bet." I say stepping closer and poking his chest. "Okay I'll bet you 100 dollars." Colby's now low voice sends shivers down my spine. "Oh the stakes have been raised!" Kevin exclaims. Oh shit I forgot there was anyone else in the room. I go up to the bored and Kevin shows me my card. I have to draw a penguin on a trampoline. "Why do I have the hardest ones." I slightly complain. "Hey no talking!" Colby yells out. I jokingly flip him off then begin to draw, because Kevin already started the time. Three minutes was way shorter than I'm used to, but I got this. I sketch it as quickly as possible. I was surprised because the group guessed it in two minutes, I didn't even have to finish the drawing. "And the girls win!" Kevin yells. "Woohoo!" The girls cheer. "Hey. Hey. Hey. You cheated." Colby accuses me with a laugh. "No. You just bet if I could do better. You never asked if I knew how to draw. So gimmmmmmmmeee da moneyyyy." I laugh out. Colby pulls out his wallet and hands me a hundred dollar bill. "Wow you keep that much in your wallet good to know." I say before winking. "Oh you think that's funny." Colby says before grabbing my hips and leaning in. "Colbyy" I say leaning back. Before another word can leave my mouth our lips meet. Oh my lord this kiss. I go weak at the knees and I would have fallen if he wasn't holding me by the waist. "Gross I have to cut that out. I'm trying to post a YouTube video, not a porno." I hear Kevin say, making me pull back. I forgot about everyone else.

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