chapter two

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Veronica went home so upset. She ignored everything her mom asked and just locked herself in her room.

'After everything I put into going into a relationship after all the trauma that has happened to me last year and this is the way I was treated?!' She thought.

She went to her mirror and removed her makeup. "Ugh I look like a mess." She said taking off her clothes. She ran the tap for the shower and got in.

While she was in the shower she touched the places he touched her. From her lips to her waist. She felt magical when she was with him but she didn't understand what it was.

She got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself and walked into her room and sat on her bed rubbing lotion over herself.

She put on her bra and panties and got into bed.


Sweet Pea went home distructing everything in his path. He broke down into his hands sliding down the wall wishing she didn't leave.

He got up and cleaned up his mess before his father came back and beat the crap out of him like usual.

He went into his room and starred at the ceiling for 5 minutes before calling Veronica's new friend Cheryl thinking she'd have her number.

Luckily for him she did and easily gave it to him. He texted her hoping for a response.

SP - Hey.. it's "Sweets" as you call me. I just wanted to talk to you about what went down.

V- Hi.. lucky for you I can't sleep what's up?

SP - I can't get you out of my head, I wanna see your face again can you ft?

V - Sure.


"Wow you look.. nice." Sweet Pea said. "Thanks." Veronica said rolling her eyes.

"Hey look, what Josie said earlier.. I did play with girls feelings but that's not the case with you.. I-I feel different with you." Sweet Pea huffed.

"So it's not only me?" Veronica sighed. Sweet Pea shook his head. Veronica got up still holding her phone to go turn on the light.

Her not knowing this but when she was walking her phone moved which then gave Sweet Pea a peak of her breasts. Sweet Pea tried to ignore it.

Veronica sat on her bed again. "So um, you sleep half naked?" Sweet Pea said smiling. "Yeah- wait what?! You seen my breasts?" Veronica exclaimed shocked. He laughed and nodded.

She giggled and blushed. "So what are you doing?" She said trying to change the topic. "Nothing.." He said. Little did she know he could still see her breasts and was touching himself. He couldn't stop himself even though it was weird.

"Well I'm going to bed goodnight." Veronica yawned. "Goodnight.." He said and hung up. Falling asleep not knowing what tomorrowing would bring him.

i've always liked shiny things.. but i'd marry you with paper rings. 💗Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon