Chapter 10

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Oliver watched Cedric come flying down the main stairs and his eyes went wide when the other boy jumped into his arms. Oliver blushed slightly as his friend gave him a big hug.

"Fred and George just told me," Cedric said breathlessly as he pulled away, his face equally as red, "Congratulations."

Oliver laughed, "I knew I would get it. Charlie trained me so well."

"Still," Cedric smiled sheepishly, "You did great and now you get to be the Seeker for Gryffindor."

"Yeah, my dads were both really excited. They said they wanted to come here to watch my first match."

"That would be so cool! I'd love to meet them."

Oliver's smile held on his face as they walked into the Great Hall together. The Hall was decorated in cobwebs and floating pumpkins, perfect for Halloween. The twins had their next prank waiting and all they needed was Cedric and Oliver to start it.

Oliver slid in to his seat at the Gryffindor table, once the feast was almost over he would meet up with Cedric at the doors. He sighed deeply, he never told his friends it was his birthday. Every time they asked him when it was he would tell them it had passed or was coming up and they always believed him. He just didn't care for the day.

Oliver bit into a candy apple and glanced down the table. Harry was sat with Ron and some of the other boys from their dorm. He was slightly envious that everyone idolized Potter and he made friends easily. No one ever gave him any grief over his family.

Rolling his eyes to himself, he took another bite of the apple when the doors of the Great Hall opened and the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell came running.

"Troll! In the dungeon!"

Soon the entire hall had gone into a panic and utter chaos. Oliver swallowed hard and looked towards the Head table. The other professors had concern written all over their faces, but they weren't running around in panic.

Professor Dumbledore silenced the noise filled Hall and everyone immediately stopped screaming. Everyone was instructed to go back to their Houses and not to worry.

Oliver followed the herd of Gryffindors back to their House, but he frowned when he saw Harry and Ron turn around and go running down another corridor. He raised an eyebrow at the pair but soon became distracted by the twins, who were complaining about an amazing prank being ruined.

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"You want me to share my position with Potter?" Oliver shouted.

Professor McGonagall sighed. She understood why the young boy would be upset but she had hoped he would've been more understanding, "He would make an excellent Seeker. You two could switch out every game. I know you made the team fairly and you're just as good as him but..."

"But what?" Oliver yelled out, "I tried out for the team. Wood chose me for my skill out of everyone else. I have been training for almost a year."

"I understand Mr. Lupin. However, it would be in the best interest..."

"I DON'T CARE," Oliver said angrily, "It's my spot."

"I'm not giving you a choice here," Professor McGonagall stood up, "he's sharing your position and that's final."

Oliver glared at her, "Well maybe if I had dead parents too you wouldn't have given away half my playing time."

"Mr. Lupin!"

Oliver ignored her calls as he stood up and stormed out of her office, slamming the door on his way out. His hands clenched into fists and he began to walk down the corridor, head down. He barely paid attention to his surroundings when he bumped into the last person he wanted to see at that moment.

"Oh, hello," the voice sounded timid and small.

"What do you want Potter?" Oliver spat out.

"N-nothing. Um, McGonagall told me I'd be sharing Seeker with someone named Oliver Lupin and I figured it was you. You look pretty angry."

Oliver stared at the tiny kid. He was only a year older than Harry but somehow this kid seemed even smaller than he had been, "What's it to you?"

"Oh, I dunno. I just want us to get along."

"Fat chance of that happening," Oliver went close to him and spoke low, "just stay the hell away from me."

Oliver backed up and continued down the hall. He'd make sure he was the best Seeker this team had, they'd regret ever asking Harry in the first place.

+ + + + + + + +

There was that laugh again. Oliver wanted to hear it again and again. It was so beautiful and melodic. It captivated him every time and he wanted to keep hearing it. But he didn't want to see her face.

Lily, the best friend of his parents, who also happened to be the mother of Harry. They had the same green eyes that seemed to taunt Oliver everywhere he went.

Then there was James. He had the same messy hair as Harry that stuck every which way. It kind of reminded Oliver of his own hair, he could never tame it flat.

They were in that same house with a little cat that followed Oliver around. A small version of Harry was flying around on a toy broomstick and for some reason Oliver felt the need to protect this baby. Why? Why did he care so much? Why did he care that this small human with bright green eyes could hurt himself?

Oliver sat up in bed suddenly, sweat running down his face. Tears pricked at the corner of his eyes. This happened after every dream, which were slowly becoming more and more frequent. It was driving him insane.

During the day he did everything he could to avoid Harry. He sat as far away as he could at meals, he would leave the Common Room if he saw him. At Quidditch Practice he refused to help him.


Yet almost every night he was dreaming about him and those stupid green eyes. They were staring at his soul, as if he recognized him from a past life and was trying to find him. He didn't want to be found, he wanted nothing to do with him.

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