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Something had gone terribly wrong and Sirius knew it the moment he had stepped into his best friends' home. The front door had been left wide open, an odd thing for the Potters. He walked through the living room and felt his heart drop when he saw a wand discarded on a coffee table. He picked it up and twirled it around his nimble fingers.

"Prongs?" he called out, his voice cracking in panic, "Prongs!"

When no reply was received, he pocketed the wand and then sprinted through the house. Ripped books and shattered glass covered the hallway leading to the staircase. He stopped short when he saw the last person that should've been lying on the ground, not breathing; James Potter.

If someone had walked past the house just then, they would've heard him screaming in agony. Sirius, weeping freely and loudly, grabbed his best friend frantically and held him tightly. He stroked James's face and shut the eyes, not wanting to see the lifelessness in them.

He heard someone moving about the house and he immediately pulled out his own wand, not letting go of James. He kept his head hung low, trying to remain hidden in the shadows.

A man, though most would consider him a giant, walked in, "Sirius?"

Sirius looked up at the sound of his name, "Hagrid?" he said hoarsely, recognizing that voice from his school years.

"What're yeh doin' here?" Hagrid spoke angrily, almost as if he was surprised that Sirius had shown up.

"I could ask you the same thing," Sirius spoke incredibly low, keeping his tone even but dangerous.

"I came ter pick up Harry. Dumbledore gave me strict instructions to bring 'im."

Sirius's eyes widened, "Harry? Why him? What would Dumbledore want with him? I was going to take him, I'm his godfather," he gently placed James back on the floor and stood up, glaring at Hagrid.

"His orders. An' I'm not arguin' with yeh on this."

Sirius sagged his shoulders and reached into his pocket, pulling out a set of keys, "Take my motorbike at least. I have no use for it anymore."

Hagrid looked at him suspiciously and took the keys, "Tha' oddly kind of yeh."

"Sure sure. Just...can I have a moment with Harry? I don't know when I'll see him again."

"Alrigh' but I'm comin' with yeh. Won' take no chances."

They headed up the stairs, being mindful of the debris that was scattered everywhere. Sirius flinched when he saw that the door of Harry's room had been blasted open. He rushed in and a wave of emotions hit him like a train;

Relief. Harry, his precious little godson, was alive. Shaken up and a little frightened of course, but nonetheless he was alive and in his arms. Sirius also took note of the fresh scar on the baby's forehead.

Sadness and pain. Lily, sweet Lily who always managed to make him smile, was lying on the floor next to the crib. Anger. How could someone betray his family like this?

Hagrid took Harry carefully from Sirius's arms and wrapped him in a soft blue blanket. He placed him into a makeshift hammock that hung around his neck and rocked him gently, trying to ease the squirming child.

The Not Famous PotterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin