Chapter 6

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Oliver twisted his tie in his hands as he stood by the large door. He took in a deep breath before gaining the courage to knock on the door. He rapped three times and the door swung open to reveal the gamekeeper, Hagrid.

"Oliver! What're yeh doin' here?"

Oliver rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly, "I was hoping to come in for a cup of tea."

"O' course. In yeh get."

Oliver walked in and sat down at the table. Hagrid's dog, Fang, curled down next to Oliver's feet, radiating warmth on to his cold toes.

Hagrid poured out two mugs of steaming hot tea, "What can I do yeh for?"

Oliver squirmed slightly in his chair, "I don't really know actually. Professor Dumbledore said that when someone has a lot on their mind, a cup of tea with someone they trust can help."

Hagrid blushed slightly under his scraggly beard, "An' yeh mean to tell me, yeh trust me?"

"Yeah," Oliver blew into his mug, "My parents talked about you loads."

"Bless them," Hagrid sighed deeply, "I knew them since they were about yer height, yeh know."

Oliver opened his mouth and closed it again just as quickly. He hesitated for another moment before trying again, "Did you know their friends, James and Lily?"

Hagrid's face fell and he began to weep. Oliver awkwardly cleared his throat as he waited for the half giant to calm himself. Hagrid blew his nose into a large tissue that he then tucked away into his pocket.

"I knew them alrigh'. Fantastic witch and wizard. Head Boy and Girl when they was in their las' year."

"What happened to them?"

Hagrid patted Oliver on the head, "Tha's summat yeh bes' ask yer parents about."

Oliver's shoulders slumped defeatedly but he nodded in agreement anyways. He finished the rest of his tea, spending the time talking to Hagrid about his classes and his friends. They talked about Christmas and ways that Oliver could deal with his tormentors.

It was near dinnertime when Oliver finally left the small hut, his pockets full of rock cakes. He didn't dare refuse them, he didn't have the heart to hurt Hagrid's feelings. Besides, Professor Dumbledore was right, he did feel much better.

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The Hogwarts Express finally came to a stop at platform 9 3/4. Oliver yawned and stretched out his tired limbs. He grabbed his trunk from the overhead rack and followed his friends off the train.

Fred and George waved goodbye to him, with promises of many pranks for his Christmas presents. Charlie had pinched his cheek, ruffled his already messy hair, and told him they'll practice more Quidditch when term began again.

Which left him alone with Cedric, whose cheeks were rosy from the cold wind. "Have a happy Christmas," Cedric grinned.

Oliver smiled back and threw his arms around the blushing Hufflepuff, "See you later."

Cedric hugged him back tightly before rushing off to his parents. Oliver grasped the handle of his trunk and made his way to the wall to exit out. He had sent an owl to his parents to pick him up outside of the train station, not wanting anyone to bully him in front of his parents.

Part of it was the increasing embarrassment he was beginning to feel.

Once outside in the cold London winter, Oliver ran into his parents arms. Sirius peppered his face with kisses and Remus insisted on carrying his trunk for him.

"How'd first term go?" Sirius asked excitedly.

"Fine," Oliver shrugged as the little family walked down an alley they could safely Disapparate from.

"Just fine?" Remus asked bewildered, "Your first year is supposed to be fun!"

"Well, he did have some fun with those pranks he pulled with the Weasley boys and Diggory kid," Sirius howled out a bark-like laugh as he grabbed Oliver's arm and Disapparated away.

They landed at the front door of their home. Oliver sighed inwardly happily, he had missed being at home, surrounded by trees and mountains and fresh air.

He walked into the house and immediately ran into his room. As much as he had missed his parents he was ready to curl up for a nap. Luckily, he had Sirius, the king of napping, as one of his dads.

Oliver kicked off his shoes and snuggled under his blankets. Home, the safest place he could ever be.

Oliver glanced down at a cat that was curled by his feet. He reached his hand towards the sleeping cat and ran his fingers through the soft fur.

The sound of murmured voices floated from another room and Oliver frowned as he tried to see who it was.

A woman with red hair twirled out from behind a door and she was holding a squirming baby. She laughed loudly and threw her head back. Oliver recognized her from the photos at his parents house, Lily.

Lily placed the baby in a crib and she sat down on the couch next to her Oliver. She grabbed Oliver and placed him in her lap and peppered his face with kisses.

Oliver giggled and felt an immense amount of love fill his entire body.

Oliver's eyes fluttered open and tears poured down his face. Confusion and hurt consumed him as he thought about Lily and why she would love him so much. Why do I feel this way? he thought.

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