Chapter 2

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Oliver's curious eyes zipped around as he squished his face against the glass of the candy store. He had his hands pressed against the glass as well as he stared dreamily at a bag of sweets that called to him.

Sirius was leaning against the wall next to him and began to chuckle, "Careful Oli, you might end up on the other side."

"That wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to him," Remus said amusedly.

Oliver ignored his parents as he continued to drool over the sweets. Remus shook his head, smiled, and went into the store. He came back out a moment later holding a bag.

"Here Oli, stop drooling," Remus tossed him the bag, which Oliver eagerly tore open.

"Thanks," he said as he shoved a particularly chewy treat into his mouth.

"You spoil him too much Moony," Sirius snickered.

Remus shoved Sirius teasingly, "Who was the one who gave in to Oliver's begging?"

"It's hard to resist those big eyes. I think he got that from you."

Remus snorted and threw an arm around Sirius's shoulders, "No Padfoot, he definitely got that from you."

Remus pulled Oliver to walk ahead of them and the little family continued their journey. It hadn't taken long for Oliver to convince Sirius to take him to see the Muggle shops in London, but Remus was still plenty cautious about any wandering wizards.

It was on this specific sunny day that they came across someone who could ruin all their hard work. A small boy with brilliant emerald eyes was being dragged down the sidewalk by a woman with her son.

Everything that happened next, happened so fast that Oliver didn't even have a chance to glance up. Remus had immediately nudged Sirius, who in turn grabbed Oliver by his waist and picked him up. They had then slipped into an alley and Apparated away.

They landed just outside of their home and quickly went inside, slamming the door behind them. Oliver was finally able to register what just happened and gave a confused look to both of them.

"Why did we leave?"

Remus cleared his throat, "I thought I left the stove on and had to come check."

Oliver, who was still in Sirius's grasp, gave his other dad a look, "You can put me down now Dad."

Sirius nodded, "Right. Well take your sweets with you upstairs. We'll call you when lunch is ready."

Oliver sighed and trudged up the stairs. Remus let out a breath of relief and hugged Sirius, "That was too close."

"I didn't even get a chance to look at him properly," Sirius ran his fingers through his hair, "Did you?"

Remus shook his head, "No," he slammed a fist against the wall, leaving a dent, "We don't even know where he lives."

Sirius took Remus's hand in his own and gently rubbed it, releasing the tension. He was given a grateful look and he smiled back.

"Oliver didn't see him, right?"

Sirius flicked his wand at the dented wall, repairing it, "I don't think so. He wouldn't recognize him anyways."

Remus began to pace around, deep in thought. Sirius knew better than to interrupt him but it bothered him to see Remus so upset.

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