Chapter 5

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Oliver snorted into his pumpkin juice after listening to Cedric do an impression of Professor Flitwick. He was surprised at how funny the Hufflepuff was, considering how his dads had told him they could be too nice.

Cedric was the right amount of nice. He never hesitated to stand up for Oliver when someone came to tease him. After classes, he always sat with Oliver in the library to help him with his homework.

Breakfast was Oliver's favourite time of day. He could talk and laugh with Cedric, for the whole day if he was allowed to. Sometimes Fred and George would join them. Even Charlie made the time to sit with them, claiming they were the cutest first years he had ever seen.

Cedric wiped away his own tears of laughter and tousled his hair, "I'm telling you. That's exactly what he sounds like."

"I believe you," Oliver chuckled.

"What's so funny?" a cold voice came from behind them.

Oliver groaned and turned around to face Cormac and the rest of his dorm mates, Ian, Toby, and Alex. Toby slid to sit next to Oliver and he plucked a piece of bacon from his plate. Toby was a plump boy with flat blonde hair. His father worked at the Ministry and donated good money to the school.

Cedric frowned, "Do you always stick your nasty fingers into other peoples food?"

"Oliver doesn't mind," Toby roughly shoved Oliver and took another piece of bacon, "right?"

Oliver clutched his shoulder and shook his head, "No," he said quietly.

Alex, a skinny dark skinned boy, snickered, "He's always asking for it."

Cedric glanced at Oliver's sullen face. He glared at the group and pointed towards the empty Head table, "If you don't leave I'll tell Professor McGonagall who really cursed that Ravenclaw boy."

Cormac snorted and motioned to the rest of the crew to get up. He leaned down and whispered in Oliver's ear, "You better watch your back. One of these days you won't have your body guards with you."

He pinched Oliver on the back of his arm and Oliver yelped loudly. He bit his lip and rubbed the sore spot, watching the laughing boys strut away.

Oliver sighed, "I hate it here sometimes."

"I don't understand why you don't say anything. I'm sure McGonagall wouldn't mind giving them detention."

Oliver pushed his full plate away and slung his bag over his shoulder, "I know that. Just..if I did say anything I'm afraid it'll only make it worse."

Cedric's face fell, "Maybe it won't. Maybe it'll make it better."

Oliver shook his head and stood up, "It's fine Ced. I've got to go. Charms class."

Oliver left the Great Hall and made his way to the Charms classroom. His mind buzzed with swirling thoughts of how much he wished he could be back home. Remus knew how to make him feel better and if that didn't help, Sirius could give the best snuggles.

In his moment of distraction, Oliver squeaked as he almost ran into Professor Dumbledore.

"Oh, good morning Mr. Lupin," Professor Dumbledore bowed his head.

"Hullo Professor," Oliver said politely.

"Everything alright?"


Professor Dumbledore looked down at him over his spectacles, "Are you certain?"

Oliver swallowed hard. He'd never been this close to the Headmaster before, "Yes, sir."

"Very well. Off to class with you."

"Yes, sir," Oliver walked around him and started to scurry away but stopped at Dumbledore speaking again.

"I find that when my mind is quite full, a cup of tea with someone you trust can make all the difference in the world."

Oliver nodded, "Thank you sir. I'll keep that in mind."

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Oliver blinked tiredly as he scratched his notes on the parchment. Normally he didn't mind Transfiguration, it was his favourite class, but lately he hadn't been able to sleep. If he was the first one to fall asleep, Cormac would mess with his things or Ian would dump cold water on him just as Oliver was about to fall asleep.

In the morning, if he was the last awake, Toby and Alex would hide his textbooks or robes so he would end up missing breakfast. Which finally led to Oliver being the last to go to bed after having enough of this.

Waking up first had its perks of course, having the hot water in the showers, but being exhausted wasn't worth it. Which was why Oliver was now half asleep listening to Professor McGonagall.

A knock sounded at the door and Fred Weasley popped his head through, "Sorry Professor. Oliver is needed right away by the Headmaster."

Professor McGonagall squinted at him but waved her hand, "Mr. Lupin, make it quick please."

Oliver nodded and threw his things back into his bag. He grinned widely when he left the classroom and his eyes twinkled mischievously.

"Is it time already?"

Fred smiled evilly and rubbed his hands together, "Fantastically Frightening Halloween Prank is a go!"

Oliver groaned as the two boys ran down the empty corridor, "I thought I told you we needed a new name."

"No time for that now! We don't have long before classes end."

They met up with Cedric and George on the third floor. They each had a box full of Dungbombs. Oliver shook his head amusedly as he thought about how smelly the school was about to become. It certainly was frightening.

"So," George began, "Cedric has bewitched all of these to go off at the same time-"

"-And it's our job to hide them wherever we can," Fred said.

"As quickly as we can," the twins finished in unison.

Cedric laughed nervously, "You're sure we won't get caught?"

"No guarantees," Fred said cheerfully as he distributed the Dungbombs equally between them.

Oliver happily took his share and ran off to his designated area, the fifth floor. He tip toed around the corridor as stealthily as he could. He stuffed the Dungbombs in any nook or cranny that he could. He stuck them at the top of classroom doors and under staircases.

Once he was finished with his work he ran back down to the Entrance Hall. The three other boys came soon after, and laughing together, they ran out to the courtyard to avoid the stench.

Fred glanced at his watch, "Everyone should be leaving class now."

Olive's heart pounded in his chest in anticipation. He was filled with excitement and adrenaline of getting into trouble.

A few moments later, screams echoed out into the yard.

"And there goes the Dungbombs!" Cedric cheered.

Oliver whooped with everyone else as they celebrated a prank well done. It was definitely worth the weeks worth of detention they received from Professor McGonagall when she found them later, anger evident all over her face from behind the Bubble-Head charm.

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