Chapter 29

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unedited? so point out mistakes and i'll try to fix them. 

short chapter but yeah, school has me swamped and this chapter was going to be short anyways

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"Justin you need to leave!" I said out of breath. Let's just say Justin and I got into a big argument, then a heavy make out session.

"Selena, I am not leaving you again! I am not letting you walk away from me!" Justin argued and I wanted to punch him more than anything. He was ruining the plan. He was going to cause Jared to get away with everything that I had planned for tonight.

"Justin, if you trust me, then you need to leave."

"I don't trust you Selena, not after you left."

I slapped him—hard. "Justin Drew Bieber, you better leave now, or I swear I will never talk to you again!"

That seemed to gather his attention as he looked at me wide eyed and realized I was being serious. "Fine, I'll leave. But I'm here for you."

"Good, go!" I said and pushed him out of the closet we were hiding in. All I hoped is that no one saw him, and I go into the closet together. the last thing I needed was people running to tell Jared what they saw.

Currently, I was at a party Jared dragged me to, to help him with his "business." He called it using my looks to help him gain more customers and profit. Jared always had me dress in something black or red, and it was always tight and short clothing. Tonight, I was wearing a short black dress, with a low v-cut neckline.

Turns out, it was Charlie's party and of course Justin and his crew were here. I hadn't seen Molly, Xenia or Jacey anywhere and thought maybe they were having a girls' night. Jared failed to realize whose party it was and who would be attending. He kept me extra close knowing I was friends with some of the people here.

I straightened my outfit before walking out of the closet. No one seemed to even pay attention to me as they were either in make out sessions of their own or too drunk to even care.

I looked around, keeping an eye out for Jared as I knew he would want to leave soon. I did my part of his job and sent him four new customers his way. I felt disgusted.

"There you are, let's go before any of your old friends try to talk to you." Jared said as he came up to me on the stairwell.

"Okay." I agreed, not even wanting to argue. The quicker we got home, the quicker I would be safe and the quicker my plan would work.

Jared wasted no time driving off to get home. "Got a heads up the cops would be coming soon to the house." He said and my heart dropped but then realized he meant Charlie's house.

"Who told on Charlie?" I asked.

"Some rivals form a different high school." Jared laugh. "I'm not worried about it, I made almost 5 grand tonight."

I almost choked hearing he made over 5 thousand. Usually in nights he makes less than that. I looked at the car's clock seeing it was barely even midnight. If the rivals wouldn't have said anything, we would've been at the party until at least 3 and he could have doubled that 5.

Jared pulled up to the house a while later, as I felt myself falling asleep but forcing myself to stay awake. He put the car in park but made no move to get out. "Why don't you get some sleep, I still have work to do."

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