Chapter 12

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short. unedited. not proof read. 

again, still testing the waters. 

but holy crap chapter 11 got a lot more attention than i thought!! 

thank u!!

"What are you doing after practice?" My friend Adam asked during fifth period. I looked up from my work.

"Going to the volleyball game."

Adam seemed confused. "What? Why? You never have been interested in going to other sports game other than basketball."

I shrugged. "I realized what the girls wore."

"You realized what the girls wore, or what Selena will be wearing?" He laughed quietly.

A girl in front of us turned around giving us a death glare mixed with a disgusted look. "You both are such creeps, it's disgusting. Our bodies aren't for your entertainment."

"And you happen to be?" Adam chuckled mocking her and she gave a smirk.

"I happen to be co-captain of the volleyball team, and I'll make sure coach knows not to let you two in the game." The girl spat and rolled her eyes turning back in her seat.

I swallowed and tapped her shoulder, but the girl didn't turn around. "I'm sorry, I was just joking, you know how us guys are." I laughed nervously. The girl still didn't turn around. "Look I have to go to that game, it's points to a project I have with one your teammates."

She turned around; eyebrow raised. "That happens to be?"

"Selena Gomez." I answered and the girl nodded but said nothing more. She turned back in her seat going back to her work, so Adam and I did the same. Both Adam and I glanced at each other with looks of regret.

When it came time to the volleyball game, the girl sure kept her word, because school security would not allow me in the game. "Is it because I'm sweaty from my own practice?" I joked but the dude would not budge.

"Coach orders." He gruffed.

"There's no way for you to let me in?" I begged.

"Coach doesn't like when her players feel uncomfortable because boys want to harass her players."

"I'm not here to make anyone feel uncomfortable." I argued. "I need to watch the volleyball game; it counts towards a project with one of the girls in there."

"According to one of her players you were making comments about them, so no. I'm not budging and if you want, you can take it up with the coach." The security left it at that, and I sighed and turned around.

I ended up waiting outside for about an hour and a half on the front steps of our school for the game to end. Around 7:30 I noted people leaving in massive groups, so I stood up waiting to see if I saw Selena.

When she came out the doors and she made eye contact with me, she was fuming. I could literally see the steam coming out of her ears. I was too worried about how she would react, that when she came up to me, I didn't even dare to make a comment about her attire.

"Justin you are a freaking idiot!" She yelled and some people walking by turned their heads to us but kept walking.

I pulled her a little further away from the entrance of the school to the side so we could have some type of privacy.

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