Chapter 27

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these are selena's thoughts/pov before the ignorance she gives justin

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     I went home and cried. I cried all night long, not getting any type of sleep. I had dark circles under my eyes and didn't care for makeup or looking nice for that fact. I wore yoga pants, converse and a hoodie the next day at school with my hair put up in a ponytail. I kept my head down low and did not speak to anyone.

     I did not want to hurt Justin—that's the last thing I wanted. When I went over to his house, I had all hopes of talking to him, I really did. Yes, I even expected sex. But then he dropped a bomb on me I was not expecting. He had asked me to be his girlfriend and that's when everything was ruined.

     I couldn't date Justin, especially not now. Especially not with Jared in town. I didn't know Jared's complete plan on why he was here. He claimed to only be visiting his cousin Joshua, who happens to also be the one that sells Justin test answers.

     Last night before closing when Jared came to the shop, of course I was surprised. I was not only surprised, but terrified. But he didn't do anything. He left after he revealed himself to me and left with Joshua, dragging him by his arm off in the distance.

     What took me so long to get to Justin's was I was too busy freaking out and Jacey had to calm me down. She actually took me to get milkshakes. I told her about what happened and with Jared being here and even she was surprised.

     "I have your back Selena, always." She claimed and my heart warmed knowing I had people on my side.

     I could have told Justin the truth, I knew I could have, but I needed to know why Jared was really here. Justin wouldn't understand—he would probably brush it off as some ex that was here by coincidence and probably think I'm crazy and overreacting.

     The school day ended with me successfully not bumping into Justin and keeping my distance on purpose. I could tell on his face all day he wanted to talk, wanted to explain things, but he was becoming too attached and I didn't want to hurt him more than I already have.

     When I walked out of the school building after volleyball practice, I saw Justin's car still parked in the parking lot, which was nothing abnormal since his practice usually lasted an hour more than mine.

     What was abnormal was Jared leaning against a car with his arms crossed outside of my school. I swallowed nervously and hoped he hadn't saw me as I walked in the opposite direction towards the back of the school.

     I was too late though. I heard his voice from behind me. "Where do you think you're going?"

     I turned around slowly to him, putting my hood off my head. "Um—" I stuttered out, not knowing how to come up with an excuse. With him, it was always hard to lie.

     Jared let out a low whistle. "Looks like you haven't slept at all last night Selena. Too busy got me on your mind?"

     Something like that. "I just couldn't sleep." I shrugged.

     Jared gave my look a glance over. "Still the same Selena, never giving a damn about how people saw you. Also, the same Selena that remembers how I like it when you dress like that."

     Yeah because you called me a slut anytime I wore anything 'too' revealing. "Just wanted to be comfy." I brushed off his last comment.

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