Chapter 10

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"Mom, I have an English project to do, so my partner should be coming over anytime soon." I mentioned to my mother as she started cooking dinner.

"That's fine, hon." She smiled warmly. "May I ask if this partner is a girl or boy?"

"It's a girl." I said, knowing where this was going.

"Is this project legit, Justin?" She asked raising one eyebrow.

"Yes mom, I promise. If it wasn't, then this girl wouldn't be coming over in the first place. She's not like other girls who like me. She's challenging." I sighed.

My mom laughed. "Well, then she sounds like a keeper."

I ran up to my room and dumped my things on my floor as I laid on my bed, waiting for 5 o'clock to approach. Selena had agreed that we should start the project as soon as possible so we could get an early start with our hours and papers.

A week went by before we were able to meet because of our schedules. I was lucky I didn't have a game today since usually my games were either on Friday's or Saturday's.

Seeing Selena with Charlie all week did something to me. Although I could tell Selena was just trying her best to be nice, I knew Charlie was getting on her nerves. It's like wherever she was, he was there unless it was class or her practice.

She talked to him once at the party and he wouldn't shut up about her. Apparently, they made out and she made a promise to him they could do it again. She was drunk for crying out loud, she probably doesn't remember.

I heard the doorbell rang and I sprinted from my room downstairs to the front door seeing my mom beat me to it.

"Oh hello! Aren't you Mandy's daughter?" She asked.

"Oh yes ma'am I am. I have a project with your son, Justin." Selena answered politely.

"Oh, so you're the challenging girl." Mom chuckled and I could see Selena look at her confused. "Oh, never mind about that, come in." My mom moved away so Selena could come into the foyer.

"Nice house you have." She smiled and made eye contact with me. "Are you ready for the project?"

I nodded. "Yeah we can go up to my room." I stated and saw Selena hesitate. "If we stay down here my siblings won't leave us alone to get work done."

Selena thought about it but agreed and walked towards me on the steps. "If you try anything Bieber, I'll hurt you." She threatened but I laughed at her cute attempt.

"I think the real question is—will you try and jump my bones again?" I smirked raising my eyebrow and she blushed.

"Shut up, let's just go up to your room."

"Rushing me to get me into my room already, huh?" I joked and Selena huffed. I laughed and led us to my room.

Selena entered first, looking around in detail. "Not as messy as I thought." She shrugged.

"My mom would kill me if I had clothes everywhere." I said. "I'm not even joking." My mom made sure all three of her kids kept their room tidy, allowing minimum messes. My backpack and shoes on the floor wouldn't bother her—but anything else, my head would be gone.

Selena put her bag down and sat down on my bed and I sat down next to her. "So, what do you wanna do the English project on?"

"Well, we're supposed to get to know each other." I shrugged. "We can start by asking each other questions."

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