Chapter 8

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Since it was Friday, I had all weekend to cook up my plan to get back at Selena Gomez. Then I thought, why even try? Why can't I leave her alone? The truth is I don't know. There was something about this Selena chick.

            After she full on embarrassed me in front of my friends again I vowed she wouldn't ever do that again—whatever it takes, and I know she won't like what I have planned. Nobody, no girl makes me look like a fool.

            At hockey practice Charlie told me I needed to chill because my ego was getting the best of me. He said that I needed to stop believing I get whatever I want simply because I am Justin Bieber and rich.

            But that's the thing—I didn't want that. I was tired of it. I was tired of girls wanting me simply because of that and because of my money. Selena was different. I'm sure she knew about me, about my family but she still didn't care. Maybe that's what I had a hard time grasping.

            "Hey, there's a party tonight at my house. You should come." Charlie mentioned to me as practice was ending.

            "Parents?" I asked.

            "Dad is of course out of town with his secretary and mom is somewhere alone in a bar, probably." Charlie shrugged. His parents were really having a hard time in their relationship.

            "It's barely 5." I pointed out. It's too early to be getting drunk, right?

            "Ah, who cares! Party starts at 9, be there or be lame!" Charlie yelled and a few people cheered.

            I walked to my BMW and went straight home knowing my mother was probably cooking something really good for dinner. Mom always did.

            When I arrived, I was correct as I smelled spaghetti and my nose led me to the kitchen. Jazmyn was helping mom mix the salad and Jaxon was sitting at the breakfast table playing on his phone.

            "Justin, you're home. How was practice?" My mom asked as she wiped her hands on a towel before coming to me for a hug.

            "It was tiring." I said. "Charlie is having a little get together tonight." I mentioned.

            "Are you asking to go or telling me you're going?" She quirked an eyebrow with a smile.

            "A little bit of both." I laughed.

            "Of course, you can go." Mom permitted. Even if she didn't, I would've just snuck out. There was no option in asking my father, he wouldn't have let me go even if it really was a small get together.

            "Thanks ma." I smiled and kissed her cheek.

            "Why don't you and Jaxon set the table? Your dad should be home any minute and I know he's hungry as well." Mom ordered and Jaxon immediately put his phone in his pocket and grabbed the plates.

            I grabbed the cups and less than 5 minutes later, plates, napkins, silverware and cups were on the table. I put a pitcher of water and a pitcher of tea on the table as well. Not long afterwards, Dad came in wearing his suite and carrying a brief case.

            Mom came in the dining room carrying the spaghetti and Jazmyn came in balancing the salad and bread sticks.

            Hopefully this dinner would be calmer than the others.


            A few hours later I was leaving home and heading to Charlie's. It was barely 10, but I needed to leave home as soon as possible. Dinner went fine for the first 10 minutes then dad just had to bring up my future. Mom of course argued saying I was 16, I still had time to decide for myself.

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