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               Kids P.O.V

     Halloween is coming up and usually I wouldn't be excited, buuuuuut. _____ is going to be in costume. And I could convince her to wear something.... suitable for me. I want her to be a cop... is that wrong of me to want? No, I'm a guy. Its completely and utterly normal.

"Kiiiiiid!"I heard ______'s sweet voice call out for me. Every time I hear her voice my heart skips a beat. "What are you going to be for Halloween?" She asked coming into our room, in which we now shared. I couldn't believe that the holidays passed so quickly.

"An..." I thought for a moment. "A cop" I answered I wanted to match her. It would be so cute. //KAWAIIIII//

"I don't quite know what I'll be yet" she walked up to me in short and a black belly shirt with a red tank top underneath. I felt like drooling, she put a gentle finger under my nose. "Your bleeding, weirdo" she giggled and smiled with her eyes closed.

"You know... we should match. That's what couples do, right?" I suggested and her face lit up.

"Oh course! That would be great, a sign that I'm yours!" She said excitedly. You see halloween was tomarrow. Everyone had already planned their costumes except us.

Maka: gandolf

Soul: a gansta

Black star: assassin

Tsubaki: thinks she's to old

Patty: giraffe

Liz: a cat

Akahana: cosplaying

Snow: is using one of her animal forms

And that only leaves me and ____. We weren't planning on going trick or treating. No, a party is the only suitable thing for our age.

"So you want to go shopping for our costumes?" I asked putting on my necklace I got for Christmas from my sweetie. She nodded and went to the bathroom to change clothes.

    ~later that day, at the mall~

     We were in the crowed mall once again for the holidays. It wasn't as crowed as it was on Christmas, ____ had told me. We finally found the costume store that was famous for all holidays, had the best decorations, best costumes, low prices, and really good employs. So I knew we might find some good deals here.

"Here's one" I held up a girls cop outfit that also held a cop hat to go with it. It was a dress for girls that looked like a cop inform. She blushed and grabbed making me chuckle and shake my head. We sperated to go find my outfit. I looked down tons of different outfits til I heard.

"Need help, sir?" I turned around to see the store clerk, she was wearing a maids outfit, probably advertising. She had long gold hair down to her knees, and weird ear things. She smiled sweetly and awaited my answer.

"Uh sure I need help finding a medium male cop outfit please" I squinted at her name tag "Chi?" I said and she nodded.

"Yes. Sure thing sir" she said as I followed her into a hall I hadent noticed before. I smiled when I saw one my size.

"Thanks you, Chi!" I scurred off to find _____. When I reached her she was talking to some guy. "Who's this?" I pointed slightly at him, a little jealous. He was short with brown hair, the place was dimly lit so I couldn't see his eyes.

"Oh this is Tsukune, sorry I got caught up!" She smiled gleefully and waved at him as we walked to the front counter and payed for everything.

              ~later that night~

       "Whoa!" I heard black star mumble to himself as _____ fell on top of him. "Hello, baby" she gave him a weird look before straightening herself up.

"Black star, I'm going to pretend you didn't just flirt with her, in front of me" I sent him a glare and he just stuck his tounge out in return.

"Guys, please. Its halloween, try to get along" I scoffed at her. Come to think of it we had never gotten into a fight before. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from him into our room.

"What's your deal with guys tonight? You just suddenly got bored of me?" I asked her harshly. She gave me an angry look.

"I'm sorry I talked to someone, can't I have guy friend? I mean your always floating around Liz and Patty" she spat back.

"There my partners!" I yelled. I knew that no one would hear us over the party. She grew silent. She ran out of my reach and into the party, slamming the door behind her. My anger suddenly vanished when I saw her butt in that cop outfit. //so sorry//. I felt the tickle of my nose start to bleed.
Shit. Why does my girl have to be so damn hot? I thought to myself. I decided to go and talk to her. I went out to find her and found her with a group of guys, obviously trying to piss me off.

"Yes, kid?" She asked innocently as if nothing had happened on our room. She crossed her leg over the other, making me want to just forget about everything and kiss her.

"Nothing..." I looked away. I had no idea relationships could be so diffacult. I thought. I went over to Liz and Patty. Two can play at that game. "Hey Liz, Patty what are you doing?" I asked and Patty took a drink out of her glass.

"Were playing shots!" Patty exclaimed loudly. "Wanna play?" She asked.

"Sure I'd love to" I could feel _____'s glare peirce my back, it felt amazing. I took a drink, and patty laughed at my coughing. I felt something grab my costume by the back. "The fuck?" I was being dragged into my room with a drink in one hand. I was turned around to see my room all around me and ____ standing there, hands on hips.

"Don't ever make me jealous" she growled and I chuckled. I felt my chest silk being grabbed and I dropped my glass. Her lips smashing on mine. She pushed me onto the bed and..........……………………………………………

//lolz sorry. So here's the next chapter. So optional game, for the next few chapters I will be putting in anime characters and the first followers to get them all, will be mentioned in the next five chapters. But you have to comment. So yeah, follower of the week is HondaJapan because I love Japan. 4 more days then I will be closing off the story unless you comment the next holiday you want and I will do. Bye my chubby bunny's.

P.S, for those of you who like Akahana + Snow stories then read "Misunderstood Akahana + Snow (a seqeal to Death the kid x reader)"

P.P.S, and if you like resario + vmapire then read "A vampires love inner moka x angelica (ObeyGamez).


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