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Hey chubby bunny's! So I wanted to thank all of my little readers and I was hoping to start making a new story (Creepy Pasta x Reader) so, would you like it? There's so many things I want to do, but I need support so like, comments, and favs would help and I know sometimes I can be very descriptive and other times its just like bah, but this is my first ever written story so please don't judge... little haters! Jk. But honestly, I love all my chubby bunny's! So next chapter your little boyfriend is going to try his best to save you so good luck and don't go crazy waiting! And also I do the names of the chapters very random so, yeah. And if you want music reconmations was reading (I listen to music while I read it sets a better pic in my head) so yeah and the pics I put up are just now going to be random too! ♥

When One Is To Perfect.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt