Maybe being Lazy

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"God, Black Star your such an idiot. Its your fault that ______ is still asleep!" Kid yelled still pissed off.

"Guys. Fighting is just going to make the place were in right now. She's not going to wake up right now but give her time" Liz was trying to calm down the group and did a good job. "Come on everyone, let's give Kid and _____ some space." Liz announced. Everyone slowly stumbled out of the room, some whispering and the guys acted like they weren't jealous. Kid waited til they were all out of his room.

                    Kids P.O.V

        There she was. Sleeping on my bed, in my room, in my house. And I was alone with her. I sat down on the bed just enough to keep my space. Her chest raising, and falling. She was breathing normally. I didn't want Black Star here, no, anyone here. I have _____ that's all I need right now.

"Kid-kun?" ______ mumumbled in her sleep. I was happy that she spoke, and even happier that she said my name.

"Yes, _____-chan?" I said. I placed a hand on her head, feeling her head and twirling my fingers and her hair. She had the softest hair ever.

"Do you love me?" She asked. I felt heat raising up in to my cheeks. She was still asleep.

"O-of course I d-do" my English was failing me, I couldn't understand why.

"Then kiss me" she mumubled in response. She turned around to me, Liz had put her in some dark jeans and a black tank top. I leaned in, ____ smiled a little still sleepy. My heart was pounding in my chest, I swear she could hear it. The closer we got my heart was getting faster it hurt in my chest. Our lips met, her lips were so soft, she smelled amazing like always, she wrapped her arms around me. How do I stop this? Wait stop this, no no, she's offering my mind thought. She very slightly rubbed her nails down my arms.

"I want you to be mine kid. And I don't want to give you up. Because I love you." She said putting her chin resting on my shoulder. I felt like was  in love, like someone cared about  me. She started to sniffle, tiny cold drops went down the back of my shirt. "You were the first person I meet, and you wanted to be my friend. You cared about me. And your still here, right now. And God knows what happened to me" she paused, I got a little angry knowing exactly why she was here. But is it fate that it happened just so this could happen? I thought. "And that's w-why" she was getting choked up again "w-why... I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU" she cried in my shoulder. "I cant imagine my life without you" she whispered in my ear. I smiled, and dug my chin into her hair.

"I feel the same way, and I don't want you getting hurt, its killing me that your here in my bed because of Black Star" I regretted saying that, I didn't want her to think about Black Star I wanted her to think about me. Is that selfish? I asked my self in thought.

"Black Star? What did he do now?" She slowly pulled away. Looking into my eyes, well maybe if I told her she would get mad at him and then I have less people who she likes I thought selfishly.

"He sort if jumped on you and you blacked out" I said holding back a smile. ______ reached her hand behind her head and felt her bruise.

"Ouch!" She hissed. She didn't look pissed, she just looked like she was in pain. I reached a hand out to her and felt her cheek, it felt a little warm.

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