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Nick Austin-Lopez

Two weeks later

I really fucked up. I still can't get him back. I don't think I will. I haven't left the house since we 'broke up'. I've been trying to hold onto the fact we're still married but it still doesn't feel the same. He said he wanted a divorce. I'm going to go pick up the papers today. Why am I such a fucking asshole. If I didn't cheat I wouldn't be here right now. To make things worse we're still gonna have to raise the girls. I don't know how but we'll work it out. I hope we do.

"Hey Tony. I know you're mad at me but I need you to sign these papers." I say to him trying to hold back the tears. I look into his eyes and saw they were flickering. Grey, Blue and white. Regret, Sadness and hurt.
"Okay then."
"Look I don't want to do this. I know you don't either but I'm only doing this because you want to."
"How do you know"
"How do you know I don't want to do this"
"I can see it in your eyes. If you wanted to do this they wouldn't be grey. You wouldn't regret this."
"I need more time to think." He said walking away
"FUCK!" I messed up. Bad. And not because I just punched a wall. Well I guess Ryland heard coz he came running into my room with Dre.
"Are you okay." Ryland said
"I'm fine" I replied
"No your not"
"I am"
"I'm fine"
"NICK LOOK AT ME" Dre shouted at me just like I did Tony the day we broke up.
"I fucked up Dre. Everything is my fault. I cheated. Didn't tell him then yelled at him. He wants a fucking divorce. I should've just signed them and not spoke to him about it." I said breaking down finally.
"What did you say to him."
"I put words in his mouth. Told him he didn't want to do it." I said. "How did you do it Ry?"
"Do what?"
"Get him to trust you."
"It didn't take that long. He just gave me a second chance. Because we realised that nothing could make this go away but we know we love each other."
I hope we can go back to normal like they did

Only for you// Tony Lopez and Nick Austin 🧸x 🚁Where stories live. Discover now