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Nick Austin-Lopez

"baby wait" i said to him

"what's up baby?"

"how exactly are we gonna have a baby???"

"we could get a surrogate or we could adopt again."

"i want them to be our babies"

"surrogacy it is. hold up babies"

"did i forget to say i want twins"

"ye you didn't mention that part baby"

"oops" I said knowing full well I didn't forget. I know twins at 20 and 21 might seem a little much but I dont want just me to have a biological kid or just Tony to have one. I want us both to have one and I know full well that won't happen with one child. Plus we're doing okay with our sixteen year old daughter. i think we can deal with 2 small babies.

"well who's gonna be our surrogate."

"me! me! me! pick me please!" hold on a second

who do you guys think it was. also I love reading your comments they make my day no cap

Only for you// Tony Lopez and Nick Austin 🧸x 🚁Where stories live. Discover now