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Tony Austin-Lopez

"Tony have you spoke to Nick lately"
"I've tried to but he keeps ignoring me. He has for the past 4 days"
"Not even at night. Like no late night conversations about nothing"
I shook my head "He moved out of our room the other day. I just wanna know what I did wrong." I said starting to tear up.
"Hey don't cry. You did nothing wrong." Kouvr said hugging me
"What if he wants to get a divorce kouvr. What if he doesn't love me anymore." I cried
"That's not true. Maybe he's just going through something and doesn't know how to tell you"
"You're right. I'll just give him some time"
"Hi T" Nick said. I just looked up at him not knowing what to say "we need to talk" I gulped and looked back down
"I'm gonna give you guys space"

If you're confused the bit with Ryland didn't happen I just needed more words so no nick is not pregnant. You're gonna find out what actually happened soon. Also kouvr was checking Nick's phone not a pregnancy test...

Only for you// Tony Lopez and Nick Austin 🧸x 🚁Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin