The Wet Painters!!!

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Fafnir was talking to Tohru and Elma outside of the apartment that he and Takiya shared. 

Fafnir: Now you know why I called you here right? 

Tohru: A special assignment correct? 

Fafnir: That is correct. I want you two to give our apartment a nice fresh coat of paint. 

Elma: That's it? 

Fafnir: I would have done it myself, but I decided not to, because it isn't my thing. 

Tohru and Elma: OKAY!! 

Fafnir: But. I warn you, this pain is permanent, it will not wash off. And, if I see you get one drop on a single important object, I WILL CUT OFF YOUR TAILS AND HANG THEM ON THE WALL OVER THE FIREPLACE!!! Now have a nice day. 

Fafnir walks off. 

Tohru and Elma then enter the apartment. 

Elma: Tohru. 

Tohru: Yeah Elma? 

They see a bunch of anime and manga merchandise for Fafnir and Takiya. 

Elma: Fafnir and Takiya have a lot of these important treasures. Do you think we should take these things off of the walls? 

Tohru: NO!! OF COURSE NOT!! We're not getting paid to move stuff!!

Elma: Tohru, we're not getting paid for this. 

Tohru: That's what I said!! 

Elma: Then we'll just paint around the stuff. 

Tohru: Okay fine. Just don't pay me! 

Elma: First we'll set out a tarp! 

Tohru: Tarp ahoy!!

However, they set down one measly little tarp!! 

Elma: Okay we need more coverage. 

They soon set out more tarps!! 

Elma: There we go! Now time .... (gulp) .... to open these paint cans with permanent paint!! 

Tohru: Which won't wash off!! 

Elma takes out a screwdriver and tries to open the can!! 

Tohru: Careful Elma!! Careful Elma!! Elma careful!! CAREFUL ELMA!! CAREFUL ELMA!! CAREFUL ELMA!! 

Elma: Tohru, the lid is already off. 

Tohru: Oh ...... NOW IT'S MY TURN!! 

Tohru takes out an axe and tries to chop it!! 

Elma soon grabs it, before her best friend could smash it!! 

Elma: Tohru!! Ugh! You and your destruction!! Let me do this! 

Elma takes out the screwdriver and tries to open it, but- 


Tohru and Elma: NOOOOOOOO!! 

It flies around on all the tarps!! 

Tohru and Elma: AAAAAAH!! 

But it lands back in the can. 

Elma and Tohru: Whew. 

Elma: Okay then, let's get out our brushes!! 

They get out small brushes. 

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