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Two months of silence and being watched. It was like I was in the psych ward again.

Thankfully, the call came. We had a new mission, and four more lined up.

Mom gave us all going away care packages. Stuffed full of my favorite snacks and booze, I'd be set for a few months.

Back at base, we all got situated on the carrier, and settled in. The flight back was long and tiring, but we made it back to Bahrain. We'd be taken via Helo to our post in Afghanistan after.

We'd been in and out of these places. Rebel groups had been popping up, trying to save the Innocents who wanted out of this war, and wanted their freedoms.

Everyone had the right to life. Everyone had the freedom to choose who they wanted to be, not beheld my anyone, especially men who thought it was alright to kill someone because they didn't call their god the same name as everyone else.

The States had their own supply of oil, but refused to use it. That's another reason we were over here. Oil. Oil and fucking Religion.

I would never call myself a conquerer, zealot, or warmonger. No. I was assigned to take out high value targets, ones that threaten other people's lives.

I was a hitman... Was it worse?

I wouldn't think so.

"Deep in thought there, Sindel." Loki said as we were on our Helo back.

"Just thinking. Stay out of my head. It's a pretty dark place to be." Team Nine was following behind us in another Helo, delayed by an hour because of one of their guys having issues with clearance.

"You've been silent ever since we left the house." Thor noted.

"Y'all ever wonder why we're really here?"

"Oh no. Don't go Red vs Blue on us." I rolled my eyes.

"I mean like... Was it all meant to be?"

"Ohhhh... Dunno." I smacked Thor's arm.

"Rhetorical question, idiot."

"I love it when you talk dirty to me." I groaned while the others laughed. The Helo began to land, and we all got out the second it touched down.

After putting away our items in the barracks, we all got our asses to the Captain's office, and we were all briefed.

"We have a rebel group asking for aid in Syria. We're running some medics and recon for them. When you touch down, they're providing an armored vehicle for two groups. Deadshot, you're driving the medics. Thor, Loki, Gunner, and Falcon will be in the other vehicle."

"Wait, you're splitting the teams up?" I stopped tapping my pen.

"It has come to a decision that you two, who will be doing many more missions together, need to learn to work better together. So, yes, I am splitting the teams up." I blinked, Frost sighed, and the others remained silent. "I don't care if you hate each other, this mission isn't about you. It's about helping the rebels defeat their corrupt leadership and establish a fair government. Now, do we have a problem or do you need to be sent back home and never be sent out on a mission again, Deadshot?" I glared at him.

"No, sir." I gritted out.

"Good. Gear up. You set out tomorrow. It will only be a two day mission, possibly three. We're providing supplies to them, helping out the majorly wounded. Recon is going to provide ammo and lethals, relieving some of the patrols. All clear?"

"Yes, sir."

"Get geared. Helos are leaving in two hours."


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